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“Not a problem. I’d love to knock out that smug bastard,” he chuckles.

The wind whips through my dark hair as we get closer to the yacht.

Mooch cuts the engine and we glide closer, our boat gently tapping against the back of the yacht. I swiftly climb aboard and stealthily make my way towards the state room, keeping out of sight. Mooch joins me, using his forearm to silence Norah's bodyguard at the top of the stairs. Perfect timing. I slip inside and see Norah staggering back with a twisted smile on her face, as if she's proud of what she's done.

My eyes shift to Kinsley, lying on the floor, clutching her stomach.

She looks brutally beaten, blood gushes from her wound. I know that isn’t semen on her body. Pushing my anger aside, I run across the room, grab a blanket out of a cubby, then fall to my knees at her side.

“Can you hear me?” I place her bloody hands back on the wound. There’s so much blood.

“Apply pressure,” I order.

She’s losing consciousness. “Wake up! Don't you dare die on me!” Tears stream down my face.

I wrap the blanket around her body and place her hands back on the wound.

That evil bitch Norah left Kinsley for dead.

Rushing upstairs, I grab the microphone connected to the CB radio and press the button. "May Day, May Day," I shout.

The Coast Guard responds, and I explain the situation, desperately requesting a helicopter for an airlift to the hospital. They say one will arrive in ten minutes.

Despite my reluctance to leave Kinsley, I know I have to go after Norah. She's taken the emergency boat and is on the run.

“Mooch, we need to catch Norah,” I say, turning to my bodyguard for backup.

We quickly get back into our boat and start chasing after her. When we finally reach her, I jump into her small boat and start pummeling her with my fists. Norah swings her fists wildly, desperately trying to connect with my face.

The little boat lurches violently, waves thrashing against our trembling bodies with bone-shattering force.

My teeth chatter as I ask, “What the fuck is your problem? Why would you try to kill Kinsley?”

Her eyes go wild. “You knew about that bitch?”

“Yes,” I roar.

“She had to go. I found out from Axe that she was fucking my fiancé.”

“But my brother said your relationship would be on paper only.”

“She would’ve come between me and the throne. She was a liability. And he’s to become my husband. All...fucking...mine.”

Oh my God. She’s in love with my brother.

Norah grabs at my hair and I respond by hitting her nose with the butt of my gun.

She falls back, dazed. "No one messes with the Pituccos," I declare as I strike her across the head with my Glock. Her body goes limp.

Later, Mooch and I place Norah and her bodyguard Randy inside the SUV.

I peek over at her unconscious face in the passenger seat. “Here’s your one-way ticket to hell, bitch,” I snarl.

Mooch and I inject them with a sleeping agent. This is our subtle way of disposing of our enemies. I put the SUV in neutral, tap the gas pedal with my foot, then shut the door. Mooch gives it a final push before it starts rolling faster towards the edge. The vehicle bounces off several rocks on its way down before exploding in a fiery blaze.

I explain to Nick that Norah and her father were plotting to steal the throne from our family. My father had to take action by forcing Nick to continue doing business with Torrance. It was for the greater good of our family. Nick understood why I had killed Norah; she had been planning to kill him in return.

I didn't feel the need to inform Nick about her feelings for him. If Kinsley had been removed from the picture, Norah may have convinced her father to let him live.

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