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I sit in a plush black chair tucked away in the corner of a room inside a cabin in the middle of nowhere.

The faint buzz of nocturnal creatures outside fills my ears, and the darkness inside the cabin feels like a void. I had been waiting for so long that I had even dozed off a few times. Suddenly, the door creaks open, the light switch is flipped on, and light floods the room. He walks across the living room towards the kitchen, completely oblivious to the fact that there’s an intruder in his home.

"Hello, Josh," I say, announcing my presence.

He jumps back in shock. "Jesus, what the fuck?" His eyes widen as they meet mine. "Kinsley, how did you find me?"

"I have a wealthy best friend whose father happens to be a judge. He was able to pull some strings, and a hacker helped us out too. She despises scumbags like you, just like I do. And with all the information our private investigator gathered, he tracked down your sleazy ass."

Staggering over to a nearby desk, Josh reaches inside and pulls out a gun. "I don't want to do this," he says, pointing it at me.

“But I will if I have to. This is my second chance at a new life.”

I smirk at his words. “No, you're going to prison for being a fucking rapist. You and your disgusting friends ripped my asshole apart. You're a monster.”

“It wasn't my choice," he pleads. "She said she'd kill my entire family if I didn't comply. The mafia can do anything. Her father is ruthless.”

Slowly inching towards the edge of my seat, I speak up again. “I'm still going to the police.”

"I can't let you do that, Kinsley." Without hesitation, he pulls the trigger - once, then twice, and again - but nothing happens.

My palm opens, revealing the bullets I had removed earlier. “Looking for these?” I chuckle darkly.

His eyes widen as they land on the bullets in my hand. “What the fuck?”He frantically rummages through the drawer, searching for more ammunition.

I pull out my Glock and aim the muzzle directly at him. “Yeah, that’s not how this works. Get on your fucking knees, booty fucker.”

He falls to his knees, begging for mercy. “Please, Kinsley, don’t do this.”

“Funny, I remember crying those words again and again. None of you listened,” I roar.

Without hesitation, I place a cloth over his nose and mouth.“Nap time, bitch.”

He collapses onto the floor, unconscious.

“Thanks to the TV show Dexter, I know just what to do to you.”


Leaning over him, I give his cheek a few firm taps. “Wakey, wakey.”

His eyes blink open. "What? What's happening?"

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