Page 7 of Franco DeLuca

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“Boss, what the fuck?” Clip growled.

“Duke, I said, hold your fire.”

His bodyguards’ eyes landed on me. They didn’t aim their weapons in my direction. Their weapons were still trained on the restaurant. I held my Glock out in front of me, stepping toward them.

“Franco?” Duke’s dark brows lowered. “You shot one of my best men,” he bit out.

“Yes, Duke, it’s me. And yeah, I shot him. It’s a flesh wound.”

He narrowed his eyes at me. “Guys, hold your fire,” Duke ordered.

Clip appeared at my side. “Boss, you can’t make irrational decisions for a woman,” he whispered.

“Clip,” I warned harshly through a framed smile.

He thought I made this move for her. Clip was wrong. I didn’t. Duke was destroying the structure of the restaurant. My investment.

Duke’s arms widened, Glock in hand. “Franco, what are you doing here?”

I halted in front of him, kissing both of his cheeks, also still holding my Glock.

Taking a step back, I peered down at him. I was six four, and he was about six one. “Duke, I’m here to talk to Quinn.”

He chuckled. “We’re beyond talking. I loaned him money, and I haven’t been able to reach him.”

I slipped my Glock into the waist holster against the small of my back. “I’m aware he borrowed money from both of us. I’d rather talk to him and find out what’s going on instead of destroying the investment.” I pointed a thumb over my shoulder.

“Franco, he shouldn’t have skipped town.”

“How do you know he skipped town?”

“What other explanation could there be? He isn’t returning my calls. Unless he’s dead.” His gray eyes darkened.

“I don’t think he’s dead. Just in over his head. Once I talk to him, we’ll see how we can turn the situation around.”

Duke laughed, running his fingers through his wild, dark mane. “You want to talk to him.”

“Did you know he borrowed money from me to open another location? This place has only been open for a year, but I thought, hey this place is always packed. Maybe he’s onto something. So, I loaned him two hundred and fifty K.”

I kept a smirk on my lips to keep from exploding. Quinn borrowed a half a million dollars in total from me and Duke.Shit!

With the additional money I loaned him, he bought four new food trucks. He sent them to Chicago, Atlanta, Seattle, and California to sell food. It was a cool concept, and I was on board. The food truck in Cali was making a killing. Maybe Quinn bit off more than he could chew when he considered opening another location. He and I could’ve discussed that plan. In two years, I would’ve loaned him another two hundred and fifty K to open a second location. Duke wasn’t a mafia boss you wanted to borrow money from. As you could see, he believed in the shoot first ask questions later method.

“Ok, I’ll let you talk to him,” Duke stated.

Let me? This motherfucker.

“Franco, you know how much I love making money.”

I nodded to keep from ripping his head off his neck. “Duke, I do. We’ll revisit the issue in two weeks.”

He ran a finger between his neck and collar. “Two weeks, Franco?”

“Yeah.” I lifted my chin, holding firm.

“You must really believe in this guy for you to stick your neck out for him like this.”

The nerve of this motherfucker. Shoving my Glock into his mouth, pulling the trigger, then stepping back to watch his face break into pieces. That image would certainly make me happy. This guy was getting under my skin. So far, we worked amicably together.

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