Page 47 of Franco DeLuca

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Under my father’s thumb, I was almost unstoppable. My resources were vast. Once I moved to Portland, I lost my team and connections. Taking Duke out on my own wasn’t an option. If it was, I would’ve. However, Quinn and I moved to Portland to put that life behind us.

I said no to torturing and killing. Whenever I got the urge to smash someone’s face in because they said something smart to me, I went for a run on my treadmill. That usually calmed my nerves.

When Franco tossed the knife in my hand in Derwin’s office, the demons within were ready to play. A part of me came alive. It was unfair to blame Franco for my issues with my past.

My desire for him was so strong the night of the masquerade ball. He told his team to protect me. It had nothing to do with the money my cousin owed him. He was genuinely worried about my wellbeing. When he walked into the house, every nerve ending in my body came alive. Spending time with him made my night better. It shocked me to learn he truly wanted to keep me for himself. I thought he said that to get a rise out of Duke. Even when he told me I was his, I didn’t want to stop kissing him. And I damn sure had no desire to stop sucking his cock.

As I walked upstairs, his words played on repeat.

All fucking mine. My pussy. My captive. My woman.

I longed to ride that glorious dick. The thought of Franco drilling me from behind and not being able to kiss him made my heart hurt.

Placing a hand over my rumbling stomach, I inched to the edge of the bed, then slipped my feet into the UGG boots. I shrugged on a short heather gray robe, hiding my tiny shorts and tank top. Now that I was free to roam the house at my leisure, I raided the refrigerator at night. Last night I ate the leftovers from lunch in the study. It was my favorite place in the house. Strolling down the slate gray wide double staircase, I licked my lips as I thought about the delicious cheddar broccoli soup. One of Franco’s men stood near the front entrance in the impressive grand atrium. I smiled and nodded before padding toward the kitchen. Franco had a contemporary home. Whoever decorated his home did an exceptional job. I marveled at the massive silver and gold crystal light fixture hanging between the two staircases. If I walked under the stairs, I’d enter the family room. There was a set of patio doors that led outside. To the left of the staircase was the living room. There were beautiful lofty ceilings and gorgeous oversized cream leather furniture. The glass wall slid open, leading to the Olympic sized pool. Straight ahead, but off to the right, was the sitting room. The grand piano was the star of that room. I loved I had easy access to the kitchen that was directly off the stairs. Next to the kitchen was the elaborate dining room fit for a king.

My UGGs quietly came to a halt on the sleek white and gray marble floors outside the kitchen. I heard dishes shifting inside. Was it one of Franco’s guards searching for a midnight snack? A man gripped the refrigerator door as he shuffled containers around. Why didn’t he turn on the lights? The light from the refrigerator and the overhead oven light cascaded over his muscled frame. He wasn’t wearing a shirt. My eyes widened as I brought my hand to my lips, holding in a gasp. His skin reminded me of old leather or shredded steak.

“Who’s there?” he bit out.

Not saying a word, I took slow steps backward.

“Kennedy, I know that’s you. Go back to your room,” he ordered.

“Franco, why do you want me to leave?”

He turned, placing a container of yogurt and a tub of ice cream on the countertop. Franco’s sandy brown hair dangled over his forehead. His pecs and abs were on full display. I couldn’t make out the tattoos on his chest.

“Kennedy, you stay. I’ll go.”

“Franco, nonsense. This is your house.”

Franco said nothing. He scooped ice cream into a glass bowl.

“I’ll warm up my soup and be on my way,” I said, walking toward the refrigerator.

Franco moved to the other end of the counter, putting space between us. He hid his back. Did he know I saw his skin?

I grabbed the container of soup out of the fridge, then placed it in the microwave.

“Are you eating in the middle of the night to avoid me, Kennedy?”

“Yes, Franco.”

A dark chuckle left his throat. “Of course, you are.”

I ignored his words as I tapped the number three on the microwave, then pressed the start button.

While I waited for my food to heat up, I stole a glimpse of his beautiful face. He slipped the heaping spoon of ice cream into his mouth. I watched as he savored the cool creamy dessert.

I glanced at the cook time remaining on the microwave. There were two minutes left. My gaze darted back to him.

Franco abandoned his bowl and stalked toward me. My heart slammed into my ribcage as his large palms caressed my cheeks. I felt warm all over from his touch. My eyes locked with his. His vanilla and musk cologne swept up my nose and hit my pussy at the same time. Damn, I was so hot for him.

“Kennedy, you’re only delaying the inevitable.”

My hands splayed his chest. “I hate that I’m drawn to you.”

He stared at me with such intensity. His lips brushed my lower lip. “Kennedy, I don’t.” Franco’s lips crushed mine.

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