Page 51 of Pleasurable Secrets

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“Hayden, what are you doing?”

“You smell good.” He chuckled.

“You’ll feel better in the morning, Hayden.” He dropped his bag to the floor and fell onto the bed. His mouth hung open, snoring.

I snatched off his shoes, jeans, and threw the sheet over him. Closing the door behind me, I padded down the hall to my bedroom.

Zander was snoring too. I locked the door, shed my robe and shorts, then nuzzled into his big strong chest.

The next day Zander slept in. I woke early. Didn’t want my brother knocking on my bedroom door.

I strolled down the hall. “Hayden.”

He stirred.

“I am placing fresh towels on the bathroom counter for you. I’ll be in the kitchen cooking breakfast.”

“What?” He ran his fingers through his messy hair. “But you can’t cook.”

Shit.I froze. “Hayden, you do realize people who cannot cook attend cooking classes? I live on my own. How else would I eat every single day?”

Besides the classes were fun. Standing next to Zander in the kitchen learning to cook was a special memory.

“I can’t eat carryout all the time?” I huffed.

“A chef.”

“True, but I wanted to learn how to cook. I’ll be in the kitchen.”

“Yup.” He rolled over.

Zander often cooked for us. He taught me how to cook a few dishes.

Standing at the stainless-steel counter, I diced green peppers and sausage. Tossing in the tablespoon of butter it sizzled as it hit the hot pan.

My cell rang on FaceTime. ZM appeared on the screen. I couldn’t even add my boyfriends real name in my phone. Sticking my earbuds in my ears, I answered.

“Hello.”I peeked toward the guest bedroom, then back at the screen.

“I’m hungry. I know you’re cooking your favorite meal. Please bring me a plate.”

“Breakfast isn’t ready, yet.”

“Oh, next week I’m cutting classes. I’ll study from New Jersey.”

“My week is tight. I have to hit the books hard.”

“I understand, I just want to sleep in the same bed together for more than three days a week.”

“I hear you, sweetheart. Sounds good.”

“Your omelet’s almost done.”

“OK. Bye.”

Five minutes later, I prepared Zander’s plate and swiftly walked into the bedroom. I placed the plate on the corner table.

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