Page 6 of Mr. Bossy

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I suppose I was a bit prudish for a stripper, because it was the most scandalous thing I’d ever done; letting the stranger get me off in a dark corner with his tongue.

By the time he brought his hands into the game, I was beyond protesting.

He was good.Consummate.Expert.Gifted.He knew what he was doing, and he clearly enjoyed the act.He held my ass with both hands and went to town on me with that talented mouth.

I was embarrassed by how quickly he made me come, when I should have been embarrassed that I hadn’t made him stop.

Those regrets would come soon enough, I figured.

When he finally pulled his sin of a mouth off me, I staggered away, sitting heavily on the low table, my knees too weak to hold me for long.

“Get back here.I’m not finished with you.”His accent was heavier, his voice low and hoarse and dripping with lust.

I watched him with baleful eyes, the satisfaction of my orgasm quickly overshadowed by the weight of my tattered principles.“I told you I’m not a prostitute,” I said with a sneer.

He seemed to get a kick out of that, grinning wide.“I didn’t say you were.I’m not paying you for that.Maybe you should pay me.”

I felt my entire body flush, and in spite of myself, my eyes were drawn back down to his lap.He was still obviously and heavily erect and not even trying to hide it.

“You could return the favor,” he suggested playfully.“I promise not to pay you for it.”

“I don’t sleep with customers.”

“So don’t think of me as a customer.Think of me as a friend that wants to suck champagne off your tits and eat your pussy again.”

I glared, his crudity giving me just the right push toward resisting him.“Does anyone ever tell you no?”

“Not often.Come here.I told you, I’m not finished with you.”

I was tempted.Too tempted.All that kept me from going back to him was my determination not to be one of those girls.

Also, his arrogance was getting to me.I wanted to knock him down a peg.

With my last ounce of dignity, I rose, sneering at him.“Well, I’m finished with you.”

I opened the curtain and walked away, feeling his eyes on me with every unsteady step.

Of course I beat myself up about the whole thing afterwards.How had I let it get that far?Why had I let him do that to me?

Why had it felt so good?

I got home from my shift at 3 a.m. to a house so quiet that I had to tiptoethrough my bedtime ritual, which was not unusual.

I paid all the bills, but I knew that my roommates wouldn’t be as quiet when they rose at 7 a.m. as I did getting home, but I’d never dream of complaining about that.My sister and her four kids were anything but a burden to me.I was happy to have them in my home.

My sister, Ana, was four years older than me, but I’d always been the responsible one.She’d been getting herself into all kinds of trouble since I could remember, but I didn’t resent her for it.It was just how she was.She wasn’t even capable of thinking things through.She acted on impulse, and paid the price later.

Her four kids, by four different, asshole, deadbeat dads, were proof of that.

The thing was, I loved those kids dearly, and I’d do anything for them.So when Ana’s baby daddy number four turned out to be an abusive bastard, I couldn’t help myself.I intervened.

That was a year ago.And now here I was, supporting a large family by swinging naked from a pole.But at least that family was safe, hidden away from Ana’s violent ex, in a decent neighborhood, living a somewhat normal life.

What I did to pay for that decent neighborhood, and normal life seemed more than worth it to me.

It was only a job.One that paid very well.More than I could make anywhere else, with my skill set.

I’d been stripping for a year, and before meeting the bossy Russian that night, I’d never done anything on the job that I’d thought was truly sordid, never even been tempted to.

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