Page 19 of Mr. Bossy

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He pulled up to the hotel and a valet opened my door.I stepped out and straight into Kashnikov’s big, muscular, welcoming arms.

He tossed the keys to the valet and led me away, his arm wrapped possessively around my waist.

He stroked his free hand through my hair as we checked in, keeping me close against his body, like he wasn’t willing to relinquish physical contact with me for even a second.

“I trust everything is in order in the suite?All of my requests are in place?” he asked at the front desk.

“Yes, sir.Everything is ready in the suite.”The man handed Kashnikov two keys.“Enjoy your stay, and call the front desk if you need anything at all.”

“Very good,” Kashnikov said.

As we waited for the elevator, he pulled me closer and slanted his mouth over mine in a passionate, mind-befuddling kiss.

Even knowing it was all fake, I loved the possessive way he held me to him.

He pulled back slightly, murmuring against my lips.“We’ve been spotted.It looks like you get to meet the blushing bride.”

I was still taking in what he’d said when he straightened.It was a good thing he was holding me to his side, as my knees were wobbly from the kiss.

It took me a moment, two, three, to register the couple that had approached us.

The bride and groom, I knew at a glance.

Sheila was stunning, a head turner, everything he’d said and more.She had ravishing red hair, gorgeous green eyes, and a lithe, shapely body that was made for tempting men.If there was any woman dynamic and striking enough for Kashnikov to be hung up on, it was this one.

Her ruby red lips lifted in a friendly smile as she caught my eye.“Hello.I’m Sheila.Welcome to our wedding.We’re so pleased to meet you . . . ?”She held out her hand, and I took it, trying to smile back.

I felt a little light-headed from the kiss, and woozy from the shock of Sheila, but Kashnikov answered for me.“This is Greta, my fiancée.”

Her face fell for a moment in shock, but she quickly recovered, smiling warmly and congratulating us.

A dark haired man stepped forward.He was good-looking, but that was it.He wasn’t larger than life.He wasn’t sexy as hell.He wasn’t sin incarnate.He was nothing compared to Kashnikov.Who would pick the one over the other?At first glance, there were no obvious answers.

“I’m Danny,” he introduced himself.“So nice to meet you.”He nodded at Kashnikov, his smile less friendly than it had been for me.“Glad you could make it, Kash.”

Kashnikov nodded solemnly at the bride and groom, his gaze spectacularly detached.“I wouldn’t miss it.Please excuse us.It was quite a drive, so we’re going to lay down for a bit before dinner.”

Something arresting crossed Sheila’s face at that.She knew we weren’t going up to nap, obviously, and it clearly bothered her.She recovered in an instant, her warm smile back.“Of course.We’ll see you at dinner.”

Our suite was on the top floor, of course.I’d expected as much.Only the best for Kashnikov.

What I hadn’t expected was the music.Something soft and seductive was playing as we walked into the lush entryway.

And the flowers.Vase upon vase of roses on every free surface.Red ones, white ones, peach ones, pink ones.Lavender, and yellow.A floral assault in every corner of every room in the large suite.

Even more unexpected were the soft pink petals arrayed on the floor, from the entrance to the bedroom, and covering the king-sized bed.

Kashnikov went to the bar and popped open a chilled bottle of champagne.He poured two glasses, handing me one while I took in the room.

“It’s beautiful,” I told him, “Very romantic.I won’t flatter myself by thinking it’s for my benefit.”

He gave me a sardonic smile.“Sheila is an event planner and a busybody.She’ll know the details of everyone’s accommodations.Particularly mine.This will drive her mad.I’ve never been one for romantic gestures.”

And he certainly wasn’t now.

But somehow even knowing the calculation behind it, even knowing it was all for her and not me, I still enjoyed the room, the flowers, the champagne, the music.

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