Page 2 of Hector's Reward

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Chapter One


Carmen Abrantes

“Hijo de puta,”I mumble under my breath. I fucking hate him. My father Luis Abrantes is the head of the Abrantes Crime Family. He’s the shadiest motherfucker to ever walk the earth. He thinks that I don't know what is going on, but I do. I’ve known for the last three months that I was basically being sold for protection. Not my own though, oh no. It is so he can keep his place as the head of the family. So that he won't have to worry about the Valladares coming after him or the fucked up, shady shit he has going on behind everyone's backs. He's not just giving me to any family though. He is giving me to the Valladares. They are one of the most well-known Cuban mafia families in New Jersey.

What he doesn't know is that I have been biding my time until I can strike. The motherfucker doesn’t give me the credit I deserve. I know every little thing he does behind the scenes. I fucking know everything about his business, his associates, even the revolving door of the whores he dates. I made a deal with myself that I would never be caught unawares again. When I was nine, I witnessed my mother being murdered by "bad men."

As I grew older and started looking into my father's business. I started to get the feeling that it was no accident that my mother died. I wholeheartedly believe that Luis Abrantes had his wife killed because she found out about his business dealings with the Popov's and was planning on leaving him and taking me with her.

That was the day my childhood was ripped away from me by a single bullet to the back of my mother's head. I wipe away an angry tear off of my cheek and march up to my bedroom. Ever since that day I have been secretly training alongside my father’s men. I take self-defense classes, boxing, and two forms of martial arts. I practice with blades. My favorite being the butterfly knife. I spent years training to be the best that I could be with any weapons, but the knife is my go-to. I’ve learned that I must protect myself in this life because my father never will do so properly. I have no one else in my corner to count on.

When I found out what he was planning, I set my own plan into motion. I am going to get all the information I can on my father about his shady dealings, tie it with a pretty pink bow and give it to my “future husband” and have him help me take my father out, once and for all.

I’d worry about getting rid of the “husband” problem after my father is finally gone. I make it to my bedroom and shut the door. I look around my little room and sigh. I may not have a lot in here but what I do have in here is irreplaceable. I rub my sore arm from where my father had grabbed me when he found out I had been sneaking out of the house for my classes. If he had his way, I would never leave the house he had tutors come in to help homeschool me until I graduated a couple of months ago. He might hate me, but he couldn’t very well have a dumbass for a daughter, not if he wanted to save face with the other families. In fact, that is the only time I am allowed to leave the house is to go to work at the law office or when there is a ball or some shit. On days when he leaves bruises on my face, I have to call in sick. When he grabbed me today, I almost let it slip that I was not this little puta that he can beat on, but I need more information before I can show him just what kind of monster, he has made me become.

I lock my door and make my way to my bed and sit on the floor next to it. I reach under it for the loose floorboard. Once it is open, I pull out the few precious things I have left in my life. One is a gold necklace my mom gave to me on my eighth birthday. She told me it was from my great-grandmother on her side and how her husband had saved up for a year before he could afford to get it for her. Then I have two pictures of me and her. They are the only ones to still exist. Right after my mom died, my father had every picture of her taken out of the house and burned. I have some other small knick-knacks that I have collected over the years. I also have two flash drives full of shit to try and take my father down.

This is where I have everything hidden from him. Hell, he would probably give me to his men if he found out that I plan on betraying him then he’d kill me himself. I kiss the picture of my mom then put everything back in its place. I have to be at my Krav Maga class in thirty minutes and refuse to miss it.

Luckily, I know his schedule like the back of my hand and planned all of my stuff for when he leaves, and I know he will be gone for a while. Sure enough, fifteen minutes later he is in his car heading to God knows where, to see God knows who, but I don't care. I finally get a break from him and his men. I get to go to the one place in the world where I don't feel like the daughter of a mob boss or the lonely girl that is stuck in her room wishing for a life, she while most likely die trying to get. When I am out of the house, I can be the girl I want to be the one that isn't afraid of anything.

While I am out, I can at least pretend to be the woman I know I can be and will be once I dig my way out of the hell my father has put me in.

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