Page 62 of The Hitman's Vice

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“Going home.”

“Are we? Really?”

Dane squeezed her hands then stood up, leaning backagainst the entry wall. “Zara, reality is, there’s a price to payfor our actions. Thankfully, I’m the only one who has to pay. Sixmonths is nothing. Not when I get to build a forever with you.”

“W-what am I supposed to do in Chicago? While you’rein DC?”

Dane stared at her like she’d just sprouted amushroom on her head. It was about as ridiculous as the question.But he understood why she asked it. “Come here.” He took her wristand drew her up against him. “I hoped you’d want to come to DC, butI wasn’t going to force you. I do want you with me.”

“I want to be with you. That’s what I wanted fromthe start.” Some tension eased out of her, and her breathingslowed, but she wasn’t melting against him like usual.

“Talk to me, Z.” He whispered the plea against herhair. “Whatever’s freaking you out, let’s deal with it.”

“I know…” More tears soaked into his shirt. “I knowwe were fucked. I know this is the best option. But I was kind ofglad we ran away. When you’re just a lone wolf, I could learn tohelp or learn or to be something. A partner? But backhome—”

“Youaresomething.” He took her left hand,holding it between them, his thumb tracing her wedding band. “Thishappened because of you, Zara. Gia married De Lucca because of yourplan. You were up against a wall, and you found a way out. Icouldn’t ask for a better partner.”

Her brow furrowed, and her eyes were a picture ofheartbreak. “But you’re made. You know what the wife’s supposed todo. To be. No questions, no answers. No nothing. I … I can do that.I will. But I’m scared I’ll end up losing you that way. The wayeverybody always loses Dad.”

“Come here, baby girl.” He led her to the bed, andthey sat together, Zara still holding him so tight he felt her armsshaking. “My dad always made it perfectly fucking clear he and Momwere a team. She didn’t get heavy details, but she knew damn wellwhat was up. That’s what I want, not some pure little angel pickingout drapes.” He breathed in her scent, smoothing her hair. “You canstill pick out drapes if you want to. But you’re my partner too.Screw the old rulebook, just be you. That’s all I need.”

“Thank goodness.” The last of the tension left her,and the arms that slid around his shoulders were warm and eager.This time, she kissed him, and the worried line between her browsvanished. “I can stand disappointing anyone except you.”

“Then I’ve got some good news. Disappointing me is athing you could never do.” Dane grinned and took hold of her hips,dragging her onto his lap. “Now let me do my damnedest not todisappoint you.”

He kissed her softly before turning and pulling herdown to the cloud-soft covers with him. His hips settled betweenher legs, and after a scramble of hands and ties and clothes, shewas taking him, arching beneath him in ecstasy. No boring businessmeeting or adrenaline rush meant a damn thing next to the pleasureof holding Zara.

The End

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