Page 57 of The Hitman's Vice

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His breath caught, and his chest tightened. “I’msorry,” he uttered before he could stop himself. He didn’t evenknow what he was apologizing for. Lifting his hand to her cheek, hekissed her gently. “I’m so sorry, Zara.”

“For being yourself?” She laughed against his mouth,and her arms encircled him. “Don’t be. I love you. Even when you’rea reckless asshole. I’m the one who’s sorry. The nerves are aboutme, aren’t they? You’re trying to run like a professional, butyou’re stuck dragging me along. Forever.”

He pulled her closer, guiding her head to rest onhis shoulder while her fingers combed through his hair. “I can’tlose you, Z.” He kissed her temple, and splayed his handprotectively across her back. “You aren’t an assignment. You’re mywife.”

“I am.” Her smile returned. “And I’ll learn all thetricks. I promise you that. Now, let’s get out of here and findsomewhere stable for a few weeks. You can teach me how to disappearand fight and—”

“I’m not giving you a gun, I like living.” Hesmirked but Zara only sighed.

“Dad would probably forgive you if you manage totoughen me up at all. I know he thinks I’m useless.”

“Who gives a fuck what he thinks?” Dane smoothed hernow-blonde hair back from her face. She looked beautiful no matterthe color, but he still wasn’t used to the bleached-out beach girlvibe she’d gone for. “If he knew anything about you, he’d know whatI have always known.” He looked into her eyes. “You’re perfect theway you are.”

“Thank you, my darling husband. But I’m not dumb. Iknow I need to learn how to do, um, what we’re doing. Running. Andhow to do things when you eventually decide you need to go back towork for … someone.”

“You’ve got time to work that one out.” Dane swattedher ass lightly, allowing a smile to break through the worry as shegot to her feet. “Finish getting ready. I need to make sure thecrew has our bags prepped.” He kissed her, then stood, adjustinghis shorts. “Sweetheart, next time you shop for me, buy a sizedown. Christ, we may have an incident with these things.”

“Use a belt,” she said with an airy shrug. “You canalways strangle someone with it later.”

“You know me so well.” Dane laughed, kissed heragain, then snatched his sunglasses from the nightstand and hurriedon deck, where their luggage waited in a neat row, right in place.Leaning against the rail, he watched the yacht slowly back intoplace, enjoying the ocean-and-citrus breeze. There weren’t as manypeople milling around the harbor as he’d hoped, but a decent crowdto get lost in. His eyes scanned the harbor and lifted higher.Why is everything in Europe uphill?Good thing it’sbeautiful.Jewel-tinted buildings glittered against thecrystal-blue sky. He understood why tourists loved the place. Itwas a living goddamn postcard.

The deckhands shouted across to the dock workers asthe ship edged into place. Ropes flew, and the gangplank extended.Dane turned as Zara emerged from the cabin, a large floppy hat onher head, shading a face half-covered with designer shades. Daneheld his hand out for her. “Subtle, love.”

“You said to look like everyone else.” Her fingersshook slightly against his, and she hitched the oversized bag sheheld higher on her shoulder. “I remember the plans.”

His hand tightened around hers, and he drew hercloser. “You could never look like everyone else,” he teased. “Stayclose, baby girl. It’s just another day in paradise.”

“The first of many.”

“I like that idea.”

Once the captain dealt with the harbor officials,and everyone’s paperwork checked out, they gathered up the bags anddeparted. Dane kept a hand on Zara’s arm as he led her over thegangplank and down the dock. He matched the general pace of thesparse crowd, despite his instincts telling him to full-on sprintto the nearest seedy hotel.Do they even have those here? Thebillionaires have to take their hookers somewhere, right?

The initial stretch behind them, he paused at aquiet intersection and pulled out one of the burner phones he’dpicked up in Madrid. “We should probably find somewhere to—” Thewords caught in his mouth. His eyes were playing tricks on him.Gotta be fucking stress.But at the cafe across the street,a face almost exactly like Zara’s stared right at them.It’sstress. I’m seeing shit. It’s stress.She took off hersunglasses and rose, stepped in their direction, and— “Go. Hurry!”Dane swept in front of Zara, grabbing her waist to push her in theright direction.

“D? What—Oh.” He heard her gasp, but a worse targethit his peripheral vision.

Dane’s knee buckled.Sawyer.Walking righttoward them. They didn’t justtrackthe damn yacht. And ifhe’s here… “It’s a fucking trap. This way.” Hopefully, they couldlose the team in the next alley. Capri’s ancient maze of streetscould buy a minute or two. He could work with a minute.

“Wait! Zara!” Gianna’s voice confirmed this wasn’t anightmare. She dodged between people to get to them, while Sawyerkept a steady, slow pace. At least he didn’t look armed. “Zara.Parley!” Gianna waved a frantic arm, and Zara froze besideDane.

“I have to talk to her.”

“You fucking don’t.” He tightened his grip to dragher off her sandaled feet if necessary, but Zara’s hand pushed intohis chest.

“You have eighty-three backups. I know what to do ifwe’re separated, but I must do this.”

He’d never actually shaken Zara, but she was playingit close. But in all the plans and contingencies, he’d neverfactored in Gia and Zara’s mind-scrambling attachment.Mymistake. I should’ve known Adam would use whatever would stopher.Dane turned, checking over his shoulder. Fate bore down.Sawyer was too close. The window was already gone. He couldn’t makeit out now, unless he did so alone. “I’m not going anywhere.”

A large hand dropped on his opposite shoulder. Daneripped a knife from his pocket, the blade flashing open. He spun,bringing up the razor-sharp edge beneath the man’s chin.Ahostage might—Fuck.

Are you fucking kidding me?Dane’s eyesnarrowed, but he kept the knife in place.Ryan “Grim” Mayergrinned like this was a standard greeting. Maybe it was for theStorm Crows MC. “Really?” The biker’s brows rose. “Put the knifeaway, bro.”

“Dane!” He didn’t turn around to look at Sawyer.“Calm down,” his former partner continued, far too calmly. “Wearen’t going to hurt you.”

“It’s not what you think.” That was from Gia, who’dreached them too. She grabbed Zara’s free hand. “Za-za, it’s not. Iswear on everything, Dad’s cool right now. Unless Dane kills ournew half-brother.”

“Ourwhat?” Zara swallowed, audibly, and Danefelt her fingers curling against his wrist. “D, don’t kill whoeverthe hell that is. Yet.”

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