Page 55 of The Hitman's Vice

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Her eyes rolled so hard she half-expectedthem to get stuck. “That’s the stupidest question you’ve ever askedme.”

He didn’t let her pull away. He caught herhip and pulled her, unresisting, onto his lap. “I know you loveyour family. And I know you love me, Zara. But—”

“But you’re already wanting an annulment soyou can ditch me?”

“You know that’s not true. I would doanything for you. Except make you miserable.”

“Then shut up.” Zara sat up, using his chestto lever herself up further, so she could look him in the eyes.Tempting as it was to straddle his lap, she was a little too awareof her lack of panties and that it would just end in sex.Immediately. “Dane. The only way I’d ever consider going home nowis if you left me. And even then? I’d probably just go marryCristoforo from the bar and—”

His lips silenced her. She gasped but didn’tfight it. Next thing she knew, she was on her back, pinned beneathhim. “I don’t know who the fuck Cristoforo is, but I’m going tomake sure you forget him.”

“Mm. A lovely goal.” She slid her handthrough his hair and let her lips find his pulse point, just belowhis left ear. “One you can pursue after you talk to thecaptain.”

He shook his head then kicked the suitcaseto the floor. “I’ve got plenty of time.” Kneeling between her legs,he lifted his shirt above his head. “Unless you’re too tired,love.”

“Never.” Zara let her legs part further, andrubbed her foot along his calf. “But considering your track record,I don’t know you’re capable of this kind of rush job, Mr.Ryan.”

Dane stared down at her, a smile almostdawning. Without breaking their contact, his hand flew to thenightstand. Zara bit her lip to muffle her laughter as he broughtthe corded phone to his ear. “Captain? Dane. Change of plans. Mydarling bride wants to go to Capri.” He licked his lips, nodded,then hung up the phone. “You were saying?”

Zara giggled, but she was already reachingfor him. “That you definitely won’t be done before we set sail?”She tried her best to look serious as his brows arced and heunfastened his pants. “It’s okay to admit your limits, D. You’rejust not good at going fast.”

“Oh, I can go fast.” His hand slid down herside, between their bodies. He stopped short of where she wantedhis touch. “But some things demand my full and thorough attention.Don’t you agree?” His fingers hovered above her pussy.

She tilted her head up, playing imperiousdespite the quickening beat of her heart and her fingers digginginto the tangled covers. He knew exactly how much she liked histhorough attention to detail. She liked playing games too. Theyboth did, luckily. “Hm… You’re saying thoroughness isn’t compatiblewith speed?”


Zara smirked. “So, you’re admitting yourlimits.”

Dane rolled his eyes and sat up. “You know,maybe I am. You’re so right.” He grabbed his shirt and started topull it back on.

She laughed, dragging the hem of her shirtup as he was pulling his on. “You’re giving up so easily? Damn.Marriage really did change you. Guess I’ll handle myselfand—”

“Like hell.” His shirt flew across the room,and he gathered her in his arms, dragging her back onto his lap,straddling him the way she’d hesitated to do earlier, his erectionfinding her entrance with disconcerting ease, especiallyconsidering the way his grip tightened on her. Not that her ownbody minded—the dangerous glint in Dane’s eyes only made herhotter. “Who said anything about giving up?” Before she couldreply, he buried himself inside her, in a fast, brutal thrust,anchoring her with his forearm at the small of her back.

Zara didn’t answer, except in pleasuredgasps and the way her nails dug into his skin. She was aware,dimly, that she ought to care that his pants were still on, thezipper rasping along her thigh. But nothing mattered except thepressure building inside her with each rough movement and the tasteof his lips on hers. When she could think even for a moment all shesaid was, “Don’t stop. God, don’t ever stop…” Then everything elsewas moans and half-finished syllables as a wild climax slammed herwith his next thrust, throwing her back into a deliciousexhaustion.

She opened her eyes, finding her head wasback on her pillow, her chest still heaving. Dane was no longerbeneath her. Zara opened her eyes, turning her head to find himstretched out alongside her, blocking her view of the door. Rarelydid Dane ever look vulnerable. Even when he slept, he seemedslightly on edge. But right now, he looked worlds away, a wickedgrin lighting his features. “That fast enough for you?” His wordscame out breathy as she felt.

“Not bad. For a first attempt.” Zara’slaughter bubbled up—she couldn’t hold the game face anymore. “Arewe doing marriage wrong, do you think? I don’t remember anyonesaying it’s supposed to be fun. I thought it was theopposite.”

“That’s because you’ve only seen your dad’sset of trainwrecks.” He set his hand on her hip.

“Good point.” Zara nodded, but her teethcaught her lower lip as some of the future caught up to herorgasm-clouded head. “But you don’t mind either, do you? I know I’msigning away my family. You’re giving up your career. And runningoff with me. Permanently.”

“Before you start to wonder about myregrets, let me make it clear. I only have only one.”

“And that is?”

His grin melted into a tender expressionshe’d never thought him capable of. “We should’ve done this yearsago.”

“When we weren’t talking to oneanother?”

“Fine. I should’ve kidnapped you until youforgave me.”

“You say the sweetest things.”

He propped himself up on his elbow and ran afinger along her cheek. “I love you. Wherever we go, so long aswe’re together, that’s more than enough. God help me, corny as itis, it’s true.”

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