Page 52 of The Hitman's Vice

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“Mm.” Zara’s eyes opened. She studied thehard planes of his face, the scruff of beard, the wicked gleam inhis dark eyes and heard the distant sound of voices and movement inthe house—her brother Caleb downstairs, the housekeeper. Theyweren’t alone. Not truly. A thrill whipped through her and kindledan ache low in her center. Seeing him half-mad with desire, knowingthey’d have to be almost silent, made it all the hotter.God,what’s wrong with me? I’m not the kinky one! Am I?

He wasn’t just Dane, but The Butcher, theshadow who’d caught her alone in her room, and stolen back theheart he’d broken. Zara walked her fingertips along his waist andslid them under his belt. She couldn’t reach the buckle yet, butthe tilt of his lips said he understood her intentions. And maybemore than that. The ache sharpened, and she moved under him,restless. Needy. His kisses were fierce, lips bruising againsthers. It wasn’t enough.

“Please, don’t make me wait,” she whimpered.“I love you, I can’t wait, please…”

He grinned, and for a heartrending moment,she thought he might draw it out just to make her lose her mind.But then he stood, his long, nimble fingers unfastening his belt,untucking his shirt from the waistband of his pants to lift overhis head. “If you’re that impatient,” he began in a playful tone,“then maybe you should just take what you want.” He lifted his handto her cheek, his thumb tracing her lower lip.

Zara’s grin answered his, and she nipped hisfinger. “I already did.” She sat up, grabbing his waistband andpulling him on top of her. “This is where my future husband issupposed to show me exactly how much he missed me, and all thethings he’s been fantasizing about since the last time.” Shegiggled. “But quietly. If someone comes in, there’s going to beabsolute chaos.”

“I’m not the one who needs the reminder.Unless that was some other brunette goddess screaming down theapartment walls…” His fingers grazed along the side of her knees,over her hips, catching the hem of her dress and lifting it alongthe way. She sat up and helped him remove it, but before she couldlay back, his hand went around her to unclasp her bra. “Don’tmove,” he whispered, bowing his head to kiss her. His lips burned atrail down her throat, nipping her skin. His hand covered herbreast, teasing her nipple to a peak. “Do you think you can bequiet, Zara?”

A soft gasp escaped, but she closed her lipsand nodded. She stayed still otherwise, her eyes wide and dark withall her own fantasies. “For you? I can be.” Her hand stirred then,sliding along his hip, to the bulge just below his waist. “It’s alot more fun following your directions here than in the middle of aparty...” She kissed him before finishing the confession. “I had todiscard so many panties thanks to your bossy voice.”

“Damn it, Zara,” he groaned through histeeth. She blinked, confused by the sudden change of tone. Heshifted on top of her, getting onto his knees and catching herwrist to move it aside. She propped herself up on her elbows, thequestion in her eyes but unspoken. “Take them off unless you wantme to rip them,” he warned, lowering his own pants and briefs.

She didn’t hesitate. Keeping her gaze onhim, Zara wriggled out of the offending cloth and flicked them awaywith her toe. She laid back, legs spread just enough to keep hisattention as she toyed with her bare pussy. “The idea of youripping my clothes off does sound fun, but I don’t think I couldstay quiet for that.”

His dark eyes settled between her legs,watching her for a minute until he captured her wrist again.“Later, then.” He lifted her hand to his mouth, his tongue flickingout over the tip of her fingers, his eyes closing as he tasted her.That’s all it took for him to release her, grab her legs and dragthem over his lap. His fingers stroked her, testing, working heruntil she begged all over again. Then he gripped her waist, pullingher even closer as he thrust his hips forward, entering her in onefull stroke.

Zara caught her scream and muffled the soundagainst Dane’s shoulder before dragging his hand up to her mouthand pressing it there. Her body was ready to explode from weeks ofdenial—she’d barely even touched herself, because doing so onlycalled up fantasies of Dane. Now she was so wet, she almost worriedhe’d object. His next thrust, she moaned again, the sound stifledby her lips, his hand, and her shreds of self-control.

His head bowed, his lips roving along hershoulder. His body began to shiver, his thrusts becoming moreerratic until he slowed down. Almost too slow. “You feel so good,”he whispered against her ear. “I’m not letting you go.”

Zara whimpered, tightening around him,digging her nails into his arm to keep him close. She bucked underhim, the slow pace setting every nerve ending alight. The acheburning inside her took on a life of its own as the tension ofholding back her cries took its toll. She wanted to scream hisname, beg, demand he go faster, harder, give her the pressure sheneeded for release. Instead, all she could do was meet his hipswith hers, scrape his skin with her nails, and feel every heartbeatbetween them.

He lifted his head, his eyes locking withhers. For so many years, she could only wonder what he wasthinking. Now, she didn’t have to. He loved her. He was hers. Allhers. Her hands cupped his cheeks, her lips claiming his, lettingtheir tongues speak. He moaned, his arms wrapping around her as histhrusts quickened once again, taking her hard, fast, until she feltthe heat of his climax filling her.

She almost forgot. The orgasm hit so hard itstole her breath. Her thoughts. She was lost in it. In him. Dane’shand covered her mouth in time to save them. Barely. Zara trembled,tears escaping her eyes as the last aftershocks faded. He was stillinside her, and she kept her leg wrapped around him. “Dane?” shewhispered his name with all the longing she’d been afraid toexpress before. “Tell me we’re leaving tonight. I don’t think I cansay goodbye to you after...”

He took too long to answer. She bracedherself, waiting for all the reason and logic to spill out of him,to explain all the ways it was too dangerous. “Where do you want togo?” he asked, pulling back to give her a lazy smile. “The airportisn’t far. Maybe we just figure it out when we get there.”

“Vegas,” she answered. “At least for acouple of hours.” She ran her fingers through his tousled hair. “Iwant to marry you before anything else can happen.”

A line appeared between his brows. “Isn’tthat where De Lucca is? And his whole rat pack of groomsmen?Doesn’t sound like a great time to run into him,sweetheart.”

Zara caught her lower lip in her teeth.Guess this is the moment to come clean.“It, uh, might beperfect, actually.”

“If you’re hoping I can kill off half thewedding party at once—”

“No. There’s no need for that, D.” Shecleared her throat. “By the time we get there, he’ll bemarried.”

He narrowed his eyes and tipped his hand upto push her chin back toward him. “Want to run that by meagain?”

Her mouth turned up at the corner, her smilesheepish. “So, um, it turns out that when Gia broke up with Dex, itwas because of Joseph.”

“De Lucca? Seriously?”

“Mm. That’s why she’s been going to ‘artlessons’ this semester. She flew to Vegas this afternoon to catchhis bachelor party at a strip club where he could make a cleangetaway from his security. Joey figures Vittorio will calm downafter a while, so—”

“You’re kidding me.”


Dane’s expression blanked into a perfectpoker face. She wouldn’t blame him for being upset.But on theother hand, he kinda deserves it.But her heart seized when hepulled out of her and sat back on his heels, his hands going to histhighs. “Joseph met your sister, fucked her, presumably had aconversation or two with her … andstillwants to marryher?”

Zara did her best to look severe while hiscum was still dripping down her thigh. “That’s my twin you’retalking about.”

Dane’s lips twitched. “Yeah. The evil one.I’m aware.”

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