Page 50 of The Hitman's Vice

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He used her shock to get around her, pushingthe door open. He half-expected her to shout at his back or try totackle him from behind. She didn’t. Maybe she didn’t have Gia’stemperament. That or he’d given her something to think about.

Good. That makes two of us.



Chicago, Illinois, October 7

Seeing Dane hadn’t been the worst thing inthe world. It wasn’t in the top fifty-thousand options, but itranked solidly above water torture and an evening at the opera withGrandma. But it didn’t help her state of mind in the slightest. Therest of the afternoon passed in a blur of choices she deferred toher stepmother, her sisters, or the wedding coordinator. She simplydidn’t care anymore.Have I ever?This wedding—if ithappened—would be spectacular, no matter which flowers decoratedthe altar. The event joining two of Chicago’s most powerful andstoried clans would forge a legend on its own. Everything else wasjust gilt and glitz.

She spent the next day at a spa with most ofher wedding party—Brenna, and five of her high school besties whowere available (several were too far away to come for more than thewedding). Brenna was the only one staying in the Fitzgerald house,and once they said good night, Zara slipped into her own room. Herhead spun with airline arrivals and departures, and so manylogistics. Her phone pinged with a confirmation from Gia, and shesaid a silent prayer of thanks.

Now, I just need to grab her outfit fromunder my bed, and go sleep in her—wait.

The hair on the back of her neck crept up,and her spine stiffened. She spun, staring into the half-lit space,past the dress form wearing her wedding gown, to the gauzy curtainsblowing in the lakeshore breeze from her balcony. “Fuck. If thatrain gets in, Cathy’s gonna kill me…” She rushed to shut the doors.The first one swung shut easily. She reached for the second, and ahand closed over her mouth.

“Don’t scream.”

The scream in her throat evaporated. She’dhave known his voice anywhere—and the scent of his favoritecologne. He must have felt her relax because instead of explaininganything else, Dane lowered his hand and stepped back, allowing herto face him. As usual, he wore all black, but his damp hair hunglonger than she’d seen it in ages. His expression arrested her morethan his presence—worried lines showed between his brows, and darkcircles ringed his eyes. “I’m sorry to surprise you,” he said in arough whisper. “But I needed to see you. Alone.”

She took a second to glare at him insilence. Whether she was more annoyed about the shock or his choiceto look vulnerable now, she had no idea. She couldn’t even faulthis logic. She hadn’t been alone for five minutes in weeks, exceptto sleep. Dad insisted on two guards if she was outside themansion, as both he and Vittorio De Lucca seemed to think rivalsmight get ideas about sabotaging the alliance via the shammarriage. Not that she didn’t think Joseph would stand up for heror pay a ransom. He would. But he wasn’t any more interested inbeing married to her than she was to him. They were engaging in aformality, meant to appease the traditional minds among the Outfit.Like the man in front of her.

Dane was nothing if not a traditionalist,after all—albeit a chaotic, sadistic one.But even those traitsare good, old-fashioned ideals here.The thought made her evenmore tired. “We’re alone,” she answered, her voice flat. “What’sthe problem, Dane?”

Instead of speaking, he just studied her,his midnight gaze scanning over every inch of exposed skin. “Doeshe treat you well? Is he hurting you?”

Really? That’s where he’s at withthis?She replied in silence and a single raisedbrow.

Dane’s left hand clenched into a fist. Oneof his only tells. “Fucking tell me.”

Zara’s eyes rolled, and she stalked towardher closet, stripping off her gray slip dress as she went, andturning slowly to show off her lack of bruises. Being in the sameroom with him already felt like being naked, so standing in her braand panties was hardly a change. He’d seen her naked after all—andhadn’t gone mad from desire.Otherwise, he wouldn’t have thrownme out. “Do I look hurt?” she snapped, before dragging a silkrobe on.

She’d never seen him pale before. Her mouthopened to comment on it, but he surged into motion, striking fast.She had enough time to gasp as his hands caught her upper arms, hisgrip tight, possessive. Then his lips crushed hers. The alarm inthe back of her head went off—This isn’t in the plan!Buther mouth opened for him and her body had its own ideas. Thetension evaporated out of her shoulders for the first time inweeks, and she leaned into his hold. Until the memory of standingin his doorway flashed. And then, Hannah’s words:“No secondchances.”

Zara dragged herself back, pushing againsthis chest. “No.” The word tore from her, leaving a jagged hole inher chest. “I’m not a toy, Dane. You don’t get to pick me up afteryou threw me away.”

“I was wrong,” he said, his voice thick.

“You didn’t seem to think that at thetime.”

Dane’s hold stayed tight on her arms. “Itwas never about choosing you, Zara. Because, for me, it’salwaysbeen you. I didn’t throw you away. I let youleave.”

“The things you said—”

“I thought it was better. That you’d behappier with a man like Joey. Who hasn’t done the things I’ve done.I—”

“Broke my heart and thought I’d behappierfor it?” Tears burned their way down her cheeks.

“I was an idiot.”

“Yeah. You were.” She pushed her hair out ofher face. “But at least Joey isn’t. And neither am I.”

He shook his head. “It should have been yourchoice, Zara. I’m so sorry.”

“Well, you’ve got your wish, for what it’sworth. I am safer now. Joseph’s never going to hurt me like youdid. Nobody can.” The tears came faster, and she turned away,refusing to look at him.

Dane coughed. “I got you into this mess,Zara. I swear I’m going to get you out of it. Maybe I couldn’t makeyou happy, but I can at least make sure you’re free.”

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