Page 5 of The Hitman's Vice

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“Shut up, Sawyer. I want tacos,” Giaannounced without looking up from her phone. She stood beside theback driver’s side door, waiting for Sawyer to open it. “And giveme an extra blanket. If she horks on this dress, I’ll have Daddyfire you.”

“Likely story,” Sawyer snorted. Gia finallylooked up.

“Want to bet?” Her smile belonged to acrocodile. “You shouldn’t tempt fate, John. Or do you prefer JayJay? I can always ask Han—”

“Here.” Sawyer shoved a trash bag at Gia,looking like he’d rather have put it over her head.If only herfather would sign off on that.

“Let Gia sit up front,” Dane said. Helevered Zara against his side while he opened the door Gia wasstanding next to, none-too-gently edging her out of the way. “I’vegot Z. She’s already puked on my shoes.”

Sawyer scowled but didn’t argue as Giascuttled to the passenger side, where he grudgingly opened the doorfor her. It wasn’t that long a trip to the Fitzgerald Mansion, butDane just wanted to be sure they didn’t have to divert to anemergency room. Gia wouldn’t fucking notice, or care, if Zarachoked. Or stopped breathing.She’d probably celebrate getting abigger trust fund.

He helped Zara into the car and slid inafter, keeping her upright by sheer force of will until he wassafely next to her and could tuck her head against his shoulder.“I’ve got you,” he whispered. “It’s okay.” He spotted a McDonald’sbag on the floor, left over from Sawyer’s dinner, and scooped itup, setting it on her lap.

“Dane, I don’t feel good,” she whimperedagainst his jacket.

He smoothed her hair and pictured exactlyhow Kirke was going to die. If Adam let him survive tonight, Danewould fix it tomorrow. “I know, Z. It’ll pass.”


“Soon. You’ll be fine. We’ll get youhome.”

Zara clung to his sleeve, the way she wouldhave when they were kids hiding from her bastard of an olderbrother. “Promise?”

“Yes. You’re going to be okay.”Or I’llgo on a rampage. Either way.He held her tighter, hoping someof his resolve would seep into her while he glared at the back ofher twin’s empty head. “Anyone want to tell us why the fuck you twowere at that party? And how you got in?”

Gia shrugged. “Ben told me about it. Evenleft the VIP bracelets.” She raised her left arm to flash a pinkplastic band.

“And you went?” Sawyer sounded as confusedas Dane felt. The twins’ older brother, Bennett, was the Fitzgeraldclan’s problem child. It took a lot to be a problem in a mafiafamily— Bennett managed to blow all expectations out of the water.“Was he there?”

“I didn’t see him,” Gia answered, addinghighlighter to her cheekbone. “I think he and Ashlyn got into itagain. He’s probably drinking with the boys in a back room. I don’tknow why he doesn’t break up with her.”

Sawyer snorted. “Because your dad likes herfamily’s connections.”

Dane ignored their hissing match. He cradledZara’s head, whispering reassurance against her temple to keep fromreaching up and strangling her mirror image. Bennett was dangerous,as Gia knew perfectly fucking well. And angry with their father.If I hadn’t stumbled across her tonight… Was Kirke followingorders? Fucking shit.Normal men would go to war before theytrafficked their little sisters, but Bennett Fitzgerald?

Sawyer continued, “Your dad’s been veryclear about not interacting with Ben.”

Gia pouted. “We didn’t! He threw a party. Wewent. Along with a hundred other people. And then some.”

Dane meant to argue, but Zara chose themoment to lurch forward and empty her stomach into the McDonald’sbag. And then keep right on gagging. Sawyer had to stop at a gasstation to grab water and extra puke bags.

“Should we take her to the ER?” he asked,handing them through the window.

Yes.Dane wanted to say it and knewthey should. But the ER would ask questions. Her father might notwant those answered. And would Zara be coherent enough to keepquiet if they pulled her away from Dane and Sawyer? They’d probablylet Gia stay.

Jesus Christ, I’m not leaving Zara’s careto Gia’s psychotic whims.

“Call their dad. Let him decide.”

“Fuck. Hold on.” Sawyer stepped back fromthe car. Dane focused on holding Zara’s shivering shoulders,keeping her as tight to his chest as the sedan’s back seat wouldallow. He’d gotten her thick hair wrestled into a messy ponytailand kept one hand close to her throat, tracking her pulse andmaking sure she wasn’t about to choke. This wasn’t how he dreamedof touching Zara, and he knew Sawyer wanted him to let Gia handleher. He should’ve. It was a bad idea to be manhandling a wastedchick. But Gia would let her choke. The idea felt like razor wiretwisting in his stomach, even as Zara poured hers into anothertrash bag.

The driver’s side door opened, and Sawyerslid back into place behind the wheel. “He gave me the address fora clinic. He’ll meet us there.”

This time, Gia made a choking sound. “Oh myGod, what the hell did you tell him?” She looked as pale asZara.

“That you prize geniuses lied your way intoone of Ben’s parties, and now Zara’s having a bad reaction to somefuckface’s roofie-martini.” Sawyer eased the car into reverse,maneuvering back into the dark streets while Gia sputtered a dozenhalf-coherent insults.

The clinic proved to be a simple townhouseon a street full of them. Dane hauled Zara out of the back seat andhefted her into his arms. She didn’t resist, and her right armdangled like she couldn’t remember how it worked.

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