Page 47 of The Hitman's Vice

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“Maybe.” Zara shrugged. “But we’ll both getskinned alive for it.”

“I’m not averse if the prize is big enough.”Gianna sat down on Dodger’s other side. “So, let’s hearit.”

Chapter Six


Chicago, Illinois, October 6

Ethan was right. It wasn’t fair.

Dane tried to ignore the injustice. He’dstayed laser-focused on the job, but in the midst of wading throughBen’s collection of human garbage and broken victims, he’d lost allfucking interest in the cause. And the family. Watching Adam’sillegitimate son struggle and reunite with his woman, the jealousymade Dane’s trigger finger twitch. Maybe to shoot the lovebirds,maybe himself. Who wouldn’t get reckless when they realized they’dfucking had that—a woman who’d throw the whole world away forlove—and let her go. Like a dumbass.

She’s marrying someone else. He hadto keep telling himself that. Especially in the times he started tothink another path might be possible.Plus, she hates me now. Iwas a fucking asshole.And now I have to go debrief with herdad. At her goddamn house.

He prayed that she’d stayed in school thissemester and wouldn’t be home making wedding arrangements.Maybeshe’s gone back to fucking France. That thought didn’t lightenhis mood as he trudged through a teeming terminal, doing his bestnot to interact with anyone.

At least shit hadn’t gone so far south thatone of the guys wasn’t ready to meet him outside. He climbed into awaiting SUV and busied himself with notifications and missed calls.The vehicle pulled into traffic, and Dane snarled, tossing hisphone down on the seat. Five Instagram posts of Zara’s weddingcolors and engagement photos were five too many. He tried to studyhis surroundings instead.I’ve got to mute every single fuckingFitzgerald sibling.

“They weren’t lying about you, huh?” Theunfamiliar voice broke into his thoughts. Dane’s black eyes flickedup toward the driver. “Not much for talking.”

Dane inhaled deeply and stared out at theskyline. Cage was a recent hire, a bit naive and extremelyannoying. In general, Dane didn’t have an opinion about him one wayor the other, but right now, he felt a vague, fleeting hope thatCage might snap and crash them into the next concrete barrier.Solve all my problems with a broken neck and oblivion. At leastit’ll last longer than a bottle of scotch. Cheaper too.

“I’ve had a long flight. And a long goddamnweek. But if you’re feeling chatty,talk.”

Cage’s lips tightened, and the car sped up.“I just, uh, it’s good that you’re back. That’s all I wanted tosay.”

I don’t think everyone is going to agreewith you. “Thanks.” He grabbed his phone again and resumedsifting through his messages in silence for the next twentyminutes. A few weeks out of touch, and people suddenly wanted tochat. Old school friends he hadn’t seen since graduation wanted tosay sorry about his dad, a few distant cousins checked in.Fucking figures. Nothing like tragedy to getattention.

As they pulled up to the gatehouse and Cagespoke to the guard, Dane’s legs burned with the need to bolt. Whichwas fucking crazy. This was going to be a good goddamn meeting—shitwas on the up and up, finally. Ben was dead. Ryan was safe. Dane’sbonus was fucking phenomenal. He knew Adam was happy as hell withthe results: a possible alliance with the Crows MC, connecting withhis firstborn son, and maybe even a truce with the old-money Tildenfamily and their many, many friends. Mrs. Fitzgerald was going tobe over the damn moon to get her social seasons back.

A happy fucking ending for everyone.

And yet, swan-diving into the lake soundedsweeter that putting one foot over the Fitzgeraldthreshold.

It’s over. It was over before it even began.Doesn’t matter if she’s in there or not.

Quickly, he slid his phone in his pocket andstepped out of the car, his gleaming black shoes touching thepavement with silent steps. Buttoning the front of his jacket, hegreeted the guard at the door with a nod and was admitted to themansion’s glittering foyer, all priceless chandeliers and gleamingmarble. It always looked half-ready to be a mausoleum, in Dane’sopinion. But a nice, welcoming mausoleum with velvet trim and aprofessionally maintained yard.

“Mr. Ryan.” Dane turned his head left asLloyd Anderson, Adam’s long-time butler, started down thestaircase. He was dressed as sharply as ever—more like anexecutive’s assistant than the kind of Downton Abbey vibe hisaccent implied. Today, he was in gray wool and Italian leathershoes not all that dissimilar from Dane’s. Keeping on the good sideof a connected family for over twenty years paid damn well, even ifyou were in the legit end of things.

“We were expecting you,” Lloyd saidplacidly, his brown eyes gleaming as brightly as the polishedinterior he oversaw. “I trust your travels went well?”

Dane reached up to remove his sunglasses andoffered a nearly genuine smile. He’d known Anderson most of hislife—the butler had been good friends with his father and helpedtend more than a few injuries over the years without askingquestions. Dane figured he’d retired since he hadn’t seen himaround for a few months, but it must have been a vacation. “As wellas can be expected. You?”

“Found a bit of a cold, but I am on themend. I did wish to express my deepest condolences, Dane. Ifthere’s anything I can do for you, you only need to ask.”

Dane shook his head. “Thank you.”

“Mr. Fitzgerald is still in a meeting. Ifyou follow me to the parlor, I can get you a drink while you wait.”Dane wordlessly fell in step behind him, happy to seek refuge in aroom that Adam’s children barely used. Lloyd pushed the doubledoors open and stepped aside, letting Dane in first.

Dane froze at the doorway. Walking in on aghost had that effect. Zara sat at a table across the room, facingthe arched windows, beautiful as ever in a soft yellow sundresswith a neckline made to be ripped off her. But it was like lookingat a portrait painted a hundred years ago—the subject of the scenewas beyond human reach. Even when she turned toward them, there wasnothing to her. No warmth or animation. No half-hidden mischief inher eyes. She might as well have been oil paint andcanvas.

Something’s wrong. Really fuckingwrong.

“Miss Zara! I didn’t realize you were inhere,” Lloyd said, bustling past Dane. “You won’t mind if Mr. Ryanwaits in here for your father, will you?”

“Of course not.” Zara rose, an empty smilesliding into place. “I’m only playing with seating arrangements.Would you like something to drink?” She didn’t pause as she walkedto the drinks cabinet along the far wall. “I’d ask you, Lloyd, butI know you wouldn’t take it.”

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