Page 44 of The Hitman's Vice

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Sighing, Dane nodded at the bartender andgot up.

Out in the apparently endless drizzle, Danewatched Ethan duck into the back of a black Audi. A man in a suitstood by the open door, waiting. Dane rolled his eyes, notbothering to put his jacket back on for the few steps between thebar and the car. He got in, making himself relax into the new carscent and custom leather seats.

The driver stayed where he was, standingsentry in the rain. Dane laughed, canting his head toward Ethan.“You’ve been watching too many movies. Your dad would’ve justcalled.”

“I’m not Dad,” Ethan said, looking out theopposite window. “Besides, he’s busy dealing with his otherson.”

“Which one?”

Ethan snorted. “There’s a loaded question.Who’s to fucking say these days? I guess, in this instance, thebastard one. At least the one we know about.”

Dane sobered and ran his hand through hisdamp hair. “You know about Ryan?”

Ethan nodded. “Heard Mom and Dad arguingabout it when I was a kid. Figured they’d tell me when they wereready. But of course, Dad told you first.”

Ethan Fitzgerald sounding jealous?Christ.“Don’t think he had much of a choice considering thecircumstances,” Dane said with an arced brow.

“He always has a choice. But that’s not thepoint. Just tell me one thing.”

“If I can.”

Ethan finally turned to Dane. “Ryan killedBen, didn’t he?”

Dane opened his mouth, but didn’t speak.What the hell is the right answer?He took a deep breath,and shook his head. Slowly. You didn’t make quick movements aroundan angry pit viper. “I don’t know. He was at the scene, but so wereseveral other Crows.” Ethan’s frown only deepened, and Danecouldn’t stop himself from asking: “You’re mad he killed Ben?Seriously?”

“No. Of fucking course not,” Ethan snarled.“I knew Ben deserved a bullet, but I wasn’t going to be the one topull the trigger because he was my goddamn brother. Ryan didn’teven have that choice. He had no fucking clue. And Dad just letthat shit go down.”

“Since when do life or the Outfit give ashit about fairness?”

Ethan’s hand balled into a fist on his lap.“And it isn’t even over, is it? We’re still stuck in the fallout ofBen’s shitshow.”

Dane bowed his head. “Just waiting fororders.” Until then, he planned on hiding in a bottle until hecould think of anything but dual-colored eyes full of tears.

“Won’t be waiting long. First all the shitwith the Bratva? Then the Crows sent their goddamn vice-presidentup here and—”

“Nathan Wronski in Chicago?” Dane’s spinestraightened. “What the fuck for?”

“Oh, just wait. It gets better.” Ethan lethis head fall back on the seat and he rubbed his eyes with awell-manicured hand. “You know who Dad was on the phone with whenhe told me to find you? Ashlyn fucking Davis.”

Dane’s eyes widened.Bennett’s ex?The last time Dane saw her, she was leading Ben into a Storm Crowsambush. “The fuck?”

“Right? Talk about a blast from the past. Idon’t even know…”

“She married him.”

Ethan’s head popped up. “Ashlyn married Ben?After he tried to kill her? Why the fuck did she—”

“No.” Dane chuckled, closing his eyes.God, this is going to sound so fucking stupid. “She marriedWronksi.”


“Couple months ago. Found that out when Idid recon on the Crows.”

“Fuck,” Ethan let out a low whistle. “You’retelling me we’re knee-deep in all this shit because Ashlyn marrieda biker?”

“I don’t think so. Duro, the undergroundfighting and trafficking? That was all Ben’s happy place. But itdefinitely added the Storm Crows to his shit list.”

Ethan sat back, his brow furrowing. “Let meget this straight. Ben spirals out in his little fighting rings,dates a socialite, tries to murder her, and gets locked up for it.Then, his socialite marries a fucking outlaw biker in a club thatmy bastard brother happens to be a member of. And now…”

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