Page 3 of The Hitman's Vice

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“Not my fault you still have shit taste infuck buddies,” he retorted. “It’s like broke motherfuckers have aradar for your ass.”He’d hated every single prick she’dpicked for school dances.Guess some shit never changes.

Her face flushed. “And you wonder why I’mdrinking.” She glanced down at Kirke, pity flashing on herexpressive face before she turned away. “Have fun, Dane. I’m goingto finish getting drunk and fucked by someone with a biggerdick.”

Dane grabbed her elbow, his grip borderingon too firm. Anyone else, he’d have held by any means necessary,but the idea of leaving marks on Zara was almost as disgusting asletting Kirke’s slimy paws touch her. “You were right. I can’t letyou stay here, Z.” Her father was already raging about Kirke’s latepayments, but if Dane turned a blind eye to Adam Fitzgerald’ssixteen-year-old twins rolling around a frat-fueled drug orgy?Dane’s head would land in the unmarked grave beside Kirke’s. Hellonly knew where the rest of him would be.

Her unearthly gaze finally met his. Hecursed whatever whim of the universe gave Zara Fitzgeraldfairy-fucking-princess eyes: bright, blue rings around meltedchocolate. Weird, impossible eyes meant to haunt your dreams at theworst moments. Tonight, her pupils were blown so wide the brown wasalmost invisible. When she spoke again, alarm bells sounded inDane’s head: “I don’t suppose you mean you’re going to drop me offat the nearest all-night diner?”

“You always were the smart twin.”

“Come on, Dane. Just let us head out. Youdon’t have to get all responsible and tell Dad, do you?” She wassuddenly all velvet and honey. “It’s just you and me. And nobody’sgonna believe him.” She pointed at Kirke. Her small hand brushedhis sleeve and traced the seam, nails gleaming silver and black,inviting him into the void. Her touch burned through his leathercoat and the ruined gray shirt. “I don’t want to go homeyet.”

The routine might’ve worked if he hadn’tspent his entire life building up an immunity to the twins’ angelicfaces. Or most of an immunity. Though his blood pressure was havingtrouble remembering that with Zara so close. Touchinghim.

“Zara? Have you concluded that my dick isbigger than Kirke’s?” He chuckled and squeezed her elbow a littleharder. Her gaze flitted down to his belt, and a blush finallyshowed though the makeup. But she wasn’t struggling against hishold, either. Fuck if he didn’t get the faint impression that sheliked it.

God, donotthink about that. Youfucking cannot think about holding Zara down and…

“I suspect your dick’s bigger than prettymuch anyone’s.” That simple, lust-edged whisper almost broke hisresistance. Zara never shied away from teasing him when she had thechance, but this was a new level.One he already felt hauntinghis future dreams.

“Fucking yikes. You’re drunk,” Dane laughed.He had to. If he took her seriously—even for a second—she’d beagainst the wall again. And if he touched her, he wouldn’t stop orlet go. There’d be no cure besides her dad’s bullet in hisbrain.

And I’d still die happy.

Zara huffed and stepped into him, restingher head against his chest. Like there wasn’t blood all over hisshirt. Or an unconscious cokehead drooling at their feet. Dane kepthis eyes on the ragged door and tried not to move or think abouther warmth seeping through his clothes. Or that if he bent hishead, he could bury his nose in her messy hair and breathe in herscent. “I may be somewhat very drunk,” Zara whispered. “Thatdoesn’t mean I’m wrong.”

“Let’s collect your sister. I’ll callsomeone to come deal with Kirke.” He kept his voice calm, the wordsgentle.She’s high as hell. You know she wouldn’t act like thisif she wasn’t out of her mind.Zara Fitzgerald was not the girlwho felt you up at a party. She was the shy, sweet girl whovolunteered at animal shelters and spent every spare moment in thedance studio.Or she was two years ago. What is shenow?Doesn’t matter. She’s still too good for you.

He’d known the twins since their parentsbrought them home from the hospital when he and their older brotherBen were three—and daily playmates. Before Ben’s demons showed up.She’d always been kind. The one who found lost puppies and readstories to other kids. Had she even thrown a punch in her life?

She’s the only person who still smiles whenshe sees you. Don’t fuck that up.

Zara giggled, her breath kindling a wildfirein his chest. “Are you hoping Gia can protect yourvirtue?”

Before he could stop himself, his armcircled her with impossible, outrageous ease. Like it knew what itwas doing. “Maybe I’m not the one who needs protecting,” hewhispered. It was like holding onto a star, too hot and bright.Impossible. Certain to end in radiation poisoning.

“Oh, I’m pretty sure you are.” Zara’s headmoved, and the flutter of her breath at his collar was all thewarning he got before her lips touched the pulse point below hisjaw. The ignition flash swept his entire body. He tightened hishold, drawing her soft curves closer. Her face gleamed in thefilthy light as her head tilted up for him. She felt so good.Perfect. The kind of meant-to-be rightness he’d mocked in his mom’sold romances.Fuck my life.

“Zara.” He touched her cheek with hiscalloused palm before curling a finger beneath her chin. His lipswere only a breath away from hers. “I still have to tell yourdad.”

“Not about this part.” She leaned up,closing the last distance between them so her lips grazed his.“This is just for you.”

Damn it.Dane seized control of the kiss. He wedged his foot between hers,shoving her against the wall as he lifted her onto his thigh. Adamwould kill him if he knew, but this was worth it. So many years,wondering what her lips would feel like, how she’d taste. LikeTequila and orange juice, apparently. And something else, forbiddenand sweet. He deepened the kiss, pressing his leg against her,already aching at how hot and easy she fit against him. Zarawhimpered, rocking against his thigh, ready. Willing…

Stop.The line between fun andsuicide blurred, but Dane still saw it.She’s sixteen. She’s outof her skull. Don’t be this asshole.

Dane pushed himself away, breathing hard,licking his lips. “Our secret.” He grinned because he’d lose hismind if he didn’t laugh. “Now, let’s go get Gia.” He didn’t waitfor her response. He knew how that game ended. Instead, he walkedback toward the door and pulled the sheeting aside. Zara stoodblinking at him for a second too long, confusion and something likepain on her face before her smile fell into place.

“All work and no play.”

“Something like that.”

“You used to be fun.”

“Uh-huh.” No way was he humoring that lineof thinking. “I need to know how you got here. Who the hell let youin. And where the fake ID is. So, come on.” He dragged out hisphone and texted Sawyer.

Dane:911. Twins are here.

Sawyer:FUCK. Target?

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