Page 19 of The Hitman's Vice

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“Dane!” She sounded exactly like she hadwhen they were in grade school, and somebody called her Gia. “Ifyou don’t ask, I will start askingyoueverything under thesun.”

“You’ll get bored.”

“Do you remember that road trip to St.Louis?” Her voice was steely. Dane couldn’t hide his laugh or hisinvoluntary recoil. The summer after the twins’ senior year, they’dinsisted on a real American road trip, so Adam ordered Dane andSawyer along with them. Gia and Zara started playing Ask Anything,a game they’d made up to torture Sawyer. It’d taken a fortune inweed to keep him from killing the pair of them before they hitSpringfield.

He remembered something else from that trip:the icy politeness from Zara. At first, he’d been stupidly gratefulshe wasn’t being a brat. By St. Louis, he was scoring as much weedas Sawyer. Fortunately, the twins got bored with driving by the endof the week and flew home.

“Shit. Okay. Fine. I was just going to askhow you were enjoying the fried chicken? I can’t remember the lasttime Mrs. Mac made it.” Judging by Zara’s stormy expression, shewasn’t buying his ploy. Not even out of charity.

“Why are you lying?”

“Am I?”Fuck. The game is on.He kepthis face neutral.

Zara raised a brow. “Are you afraid of myanswer? Or just talking to me? Are you always thistimid?”

Dane tilted his head to her, the corner ofhis lips twitching. “Yes. No. And No.” He took a bite of potatoes.He caught the second of calculation in Zara’s gaze.

“What kind of question could possibly scarethe terrifying Dane Ryan?”

“That why you’re grilling me like a two-bitstreet cop trying to make Detective? Cause I’m scary?”

“Mm.” She patted him on the back. “Ofcourse, I know you’re a teddy bear. But most other people havebizarre reactions to you that I can only explain as terror.Especially when you’re holding a gun. And you’re always holding adamn gun.”

He didn’t know which insulted him more.Terrifying or teddy bear? Neither sat well. “Guns do have thateffect.”

Zara’s nose wrinkled. “Just tell me theproblem before I annoy you into aiming one at me.”

Which will never fucking happen. Daneleaned forward, rested his elbows on his knees, and pulled his tieoff over his head. Now wasn’t a good time to keep a noose handy.“I’m not good at personal, intrusive questions. Especially onesthat open doors that are better left shut.”

“That sounds ominous as hell. Which sinisterfamily secrets are you worried about? Because if it’s about Caleb’sporn collection…”

“Christ. That boy needs a new hobby.” Daneshuddered.

“Tell that to the maids. They’ve walked inon him like five times. I’m starting to worry he doesn’t understandhow doors work.”

“The maids,” he echoed dully. Somethingheavy settled in his head. This wasn’t a good plan, but the ballkept rolling down the hill. “Jesus. We really live in differentworlds.”

“Oh, whatever. We do not.”

“But we—”

“You practically live at our house! You gotexpelled with Ben like five times.”

“We grew up together, but we’re not equal.You’ll always be up here,” Dane said, holding his hand up levelwith his head. “And I’ll always be the help.”

“That displays a shocking lack ofimagination. Not to mention ambition. Neither of which I thoughtyou lacked.” Zara’s two-toned eyes studied him without their usualhaze of humor or alcohol. “But to address the main issue: we don’tlive in Downton-fucking-Abbey. Employment status doesn’t equate tosocietal caste.”

Dane scoffed. “You know that’s not entirelytrue.”

“Well, if you’re going to be obnoxiouslytechnical, you’re still Dad’s employee. Not mine. On my best day,I’m one argument with Daddy away from working inMcDonald’s.”

“Now who’s lying?” She didn’t get it. Buthow could she? It wasn’t her fault. The Outfit didn’t tell theirwomen how the business worked. He took a long breath, seeing theargument in her tensing shoulders.Fine. Roll the dice.“Iwas going to ask if you ever thought of that night?”


“Four years ago. In May.”

“Oh. That.” Zara blinked and turned away topick at her food.Like it’s nothing. Just one more guy stealinga kiss. One more friendship fucked up…He swallowed a sarcasticretort with sugary, blue soda. “I’ve got two very sharp memoriesaround that time frame.”

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