Page 80 of Toro

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Riding abreast, the six Texas cowboys crossed over the property line and onto Terra Dura. “Piece of cake,” Joseph muttered. “At least there was no electric fence or cameras like we faced when we invaded the female drug lord’s domain to rescue Aron.”

“Female drug lord, isn’t that a contradiction in terms? Wouldn’t it be female drug lady?” Canyon asked in a conversational tone.

“I don’t think so,” Noah laughed. “Although we did refer to Martina Delgado as a queenpin a few times, instead of a kingpin.”

“Sometimes words are not sufficient,” Mateo observed, enjoying being a part of this quest. “I struggle with the English language at times.”

“Well, you do a helluva lot better with English than I do with Spanish, I’ll tell you that for sure,” Bull said with admiration.

To avoid detection, they’d entered the ranch at one of the farthest points from the hacienda. After riding at a quick pace for about an hour, Bull reminded them of their plan, “Armando thinks the hostages are being held in the main barn next to the stables.”

“I suppose Armando has an unsuspecting contact here, one who is not aware he is betraying his boss,” Josh observed, his eyes busy scanning the horizon.

“Possibly. He or his sister might have overheard Esteban talking, I’m not sure.” Bull led the men south, his heart hammering in his chest. He felt antsy, as if time was slipping through his fingers. “Let’s ride faster, I just have this feeling this is all going down without me.”

After a few minutes he recognized familiar landmarks, the figure of Toro Roca was prominent in the distance. “We’re nearing the hot springs. Look on the ridge, Aron sculpted that monster.” As they rode by the big stone bull, the men began to feel the gravity of the moment. They might have the element of surprise on their side, but that did not eliminate the risk, especially to Isabella.

“Armando thinks we could be dealing with as many as seven men, unless Esteban enlisted more after he arrived here. We need to keep to the trees the rest of the way. We don’t know who might be watching and from what vantage point.” Bull pointed to a copse of trees. “Let’s start there, we can move from one thicket to the next along the fence line.”

As they neared the complex of buildings near the hacienda, Bull pulled his mount to a halt. “Okay, the barn is up ahead.” He glanced at the others. “I don’t know about you, but I’ve never shot anybody. I wasn’t in the service and I haven’t run in the same circles as Jason Statham and Bruce Willis here.” He indicated Joseph and Noah.

“Let’s do our best to subdue and not kill,” Mateo said with a wisdom beyond his years. “I have gone up against men like these before. They will not show you the same consideration, I assure you.”

“You can do it for Isabella,” Canyon told him, holding Bull’s gaze.

“You’re right.” Bull nudged his horse forward. “I can do anything for Isabella.”

As they neared the barn, Bull held up a finger for silence and slid off his horse. Moving close to the ground, he edged up the building to check out his surroundings. Seeing no threat, he motioned for the others to follow. Once inside, they split up, searching for the guard and his hostages. He had no way of knowing if Isabella was being held here or somewhere else. She might, even now, be facing Desperado. However, the possibility she was in this barn was one he couldn’t ignore. If not, they’d release whatever hostages they found, not only insuring their safety, but increasing the number of able fighting men loyal to Isabella.

“Hurry, hurry, hurry,” he chanted to himself. Part of Bull wanted to just ride on to the ring where he’d inspected the breeding stock, the ones Isabella had accompanied to Texas. Damn, that day seemed like a lifetime ago.

The only thing holding him back was not knowing what opposition he would face when he got there. Alone, he might not be able to disable every armed guard. If he was captured, he’d be no good to Isabella. “Just a few more minutes, baby. I’ll find you in just a few more minutes.”

…Isabella felt as if she was heading to her execution. Esteban and Don Luis walked on either side of her. She could see more men waiting, all armed with automatic weapons. “Who are we expecting? The Calvary or the Marines?”

“We’re expecting no one, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. Right?” Esteban nudged her with the cold steel tip of the gun. “I like your outfit. Very appropriate. Blood will show up beautifully on that snow white dress.” Isabella ignored him, she ignored both of them.

For her, Don Luis had ceased to exist.

Ahead, through the slats in the gate, she could see Desperado. Her adversary awaited her. Bull had been right, he did resemble Toro Roca. Huge. Pale as death. His eyes were focused on her, as if he knew she was coming for him. “Instead of me entering the ring first, I see you have him waiting.” She knew this was a ploy on the part of Esteban. This way, she would be invading Desperado’s territory, not the other way around. An animal defends its territory, sometimes to the death.

“Yes, it seemed appropriate.” Coming to the gate, Esteban stopped. “Wait for me in the stands, Don Luis.” He nodded to the guard perched on the top railing, guarding the entrance to the viewing area. The guard glanced at Don Luis, then back to Esteban, giving him a nod of understanding. Isabella realized her uncle was as much of a prisoner as she was.

“Are you ready, La Diosa?”

“Yes, I am ready.”

“I want to inform you that the gate will be locked and only I have the key. So, escape will be impossible.” With a flick of his wrist, the latch was released and the gate swung open. Isabella stepped into the enclosed area with its dirt floor and paneled walls. No barrel to hide behind cluttered the open space. There was nothing in the ring but Isabella and the monster bull.

As soon as the metal gate clanked closed behind her the bull lowered his head and pawed, his eyes narrowed in fury, breath huffing from his nostrils.

…Back at the barn, Mateo was the one who subdued the sentry guarding Renata and Isabella’s faithful employees. The armed man had been so busy ogling and flirting with Renata, Mateo had been able to approach the man and render him useless with a choke hold. After the rescue, Bull’s team expanded from six to eleven. Three vaqueros and two other workers who were on duty the day they were attacked. Juan, Manuel, Raul, and Pedro were among the hostages, the rest were individuals Bull had not met before.

When they were ready to proceed, old Pedro stayed back with the women, Magdalena was weak and frightened, more for Isabella than herself. Renata begged to ride with them to rescue her friend, but Mateo had been adamant, speaking to the young woman rapidly in Spanish. When she relented, it had been with a smile on her face.

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