Page 42 of Toro

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“Come to me, baby, it’s time to go. Just turn and run, I’ll catch you.” Bull spoke in a low register. Keeping his calm was a monumental task. She’d saved his life, now it was his chance to return the favor. Every cell in his body wanted to charge in there, scoop that little bit of femininity up in his arms, and carry her to safety.

Isabella moved away slowly. She’d done this before. Taking a deep breath, she turned her back on the subdued bull and ran toward the fence. Holding her arms up, Bull caught her, swept her up and held her tight. “Do you know how much trouble you’re in?”

The moment she was out of the pen, Hurricane rose to his feet. He eyed Bull with an evil gleam, inviting him to return for a different outcome. “Fucking hell that was close,” he growled as he set Isabella on her feet. “Now, what in the hell am I going to do with you?”

They looked at each other hard, both breathing heavily from the excitement.

Isabella stared into his eyes and lost her nerve. She could stand up to a monster, but seeing the disappointment in Bull’s eyes was her undoing. Now, he knew his wonderful Carmen was merely Isabella Cortez. Unable to bear his judgment, she turned and fled from his sight.

“Oh, hell, no.” Bull ran after her, again cursing those daily Oreos, following in her footsteps as fast as he could. She ran like a gazelle, her long, dark hair bouncing to and fro across her back. He would’ve caught up with her, but Dax called out to him.

“Boss, what happened? Armando and I were coming back from the welding shop and we saw Hurricane had busted out of his stall.”

“Yea, I went to see about him and he chased me into the holding pen, almost got me too.”

“How’d you get away?”

The Mexican, Armando joined them in time to hear Bull’s explanation. “It seems my house guest has a way with animals. She charmed Hurricane long enough for me to get over the fence.”

“Miss Cortez, you mean?” Dax asked, in disbelief.

“Isabella Cortez from Terra Dura? She braved Hurricane?” Armando asked, before Bull could answer.

“Yes.” He didn’t much like these men knowing his private business. “I need to go see about her, she was upset.”

When Bull found Isabella, she was in his kitchen, standing over the sink, pressing a wet dishcloth to her face. Grasping her by the arm, he spun his beauty around. “What do you have to say for yourself?”

Her emotions were running too high, Isabella’s mouth refused to betray her and form words. She stood there in front of him, still taking in big gasps of air, the feel of his grip on her small arm getting tighter.

“What if you’d been hurt? It would’ve been my fault! How in God’s name could I have lived with that?” Bull scolded, but she remained silent.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were her?”

Again, he was met with silence, the only response she offered was the blazing hot fire burning behind her dark eyes.

“Oh, hell.” Yanking her to him, he crushed his mouth to Isabella’s trembling lips, his arms contracting hungrily around her. His bone-shaking kiss was bold and brash, his tongue invading and conquering. He consumed her, possessed her, groaning into her mouth. She moaned and melted into his embrace, her body catching fire so quickly, it was like being tossed into a blazing furnace. She was burning alive, aching, longing, she couldn’t get close enough to him to satisfy. Her breasts ached at the sweet pressure of his chest. Being held against him, devoured by him was paradise.

“Carmen,” he murmured between kisses, his hands moving from her back to slide down her ribcage.

Hearing her first name, the name La Diosa had given him, she broke their connection. “Carmen Isabella Mercedes Cortez.”

“Out of all of those pretty syllables, what do you want to be called?”


“I’ve got a lot to say to you and you owe me answers, but right now I have just one important question.” He stared at her, holding his breath. “How old are you, Isabella?” He’d had her once and if he didn’t have her again, he would die.


“Twenty-fuckin’-one!” Bull growled. “A damn fourteen-year difference, at least you’re an adult. Barely.” Isabella was young, but more mature than most women his own age. She’d seen and been through more than most did in a lifetime. Without warning, he swung her up in his arms. “This time I want to be in a bed.”

Bull carried her through the house like a conquering hero claiming the spoils of war. “This first time will be fast, you’ve kept me hard and hurting from the first moment I saw you.”

“La Diosa or me?”


Placing her on the bed, he stripped his shirt off, wishing his body looked like one of those guys who lived at a gym. She didn’t seem to care, her eyes moving appreciatively from his head to his toes. “Like what you see?” he couldn’t help but ask as he removed his boots and socks.

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