Page 34 of Toro

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Soon, she would explain everything.

“Fat chance.” The inner dialogue just slipped out of his mouth.

“Pardon me?”

“Nothing.” Bull couldn’t envision a time when he would ever feel the desire to put Don Luis over his knee and spank his ass like he wanted to do to Isabella. “You look nice, by the way.”

Isabella’s heart swelled. “Why, thank you, Mr. Redford.”

“I think that’s the most clothing I’ve ever seen you wear at one time.” Again, she needed to be kept at a distance.

The smile dropped from Isabella’s face. “Am I catching you at a bad time, Mr. Redford?”

“No. Why do you ask?”

“Well it appears you have been in a scuffle. I presume you prevailed?”

Bull looked down at his pants with their streaks of blood. “Oh yeah. You should see the other guy.”

“Let us go welcome your newest acquisitions.” Before he could move, she started off toward the barn. “They made the journey with no problems. I would advise having a veterinarian check them out, just to be sure. If you do, I’ll gladly pay the fee. Terra Dura stock is guaranteed.”

Bull fell in step beside her. “All right. I’ll have Dax call our local vet.”

“How is Luke?” she asked with sincere concern in her voice.

“He’s good as new.” A noise behind them alerted Bull to the fact that Isabella’s driver was leaving without so much as a goodbye. Oh well, she had a ride with her employee to…wherever. Her plans were none of his business.

“I’m glad.”

By the time they walked the short distance, the bulls were unloaded and his foreman was having an animated conversation with the man Bull remembered as Juan. “What are they saying?”

Isabella laughed. “Your man is giving Juan recommendations for the best place to find Texas BBQ.”

Bull bypassed the duo to check out his expensive purchase. “My, my, these are fine specimens.” He admired the bulls as they drank from a large tub. “I have your check already cut and I added in enough to cover the plane ticket.”

“That wasn’t necessary, but thank you.” She joined him, running a concerned hand down Feroz’s back. “You will be happy here. Mr. Redford will be kind.”

While Isabella inspected her charges, Bull gave Dax instructions on the vet and where he wanted the bulls housed for the night. “After they’re acclimated, we’ll turn them out in their respective pastures.”

Isabella took a moment to converse with Juan, taking some papers from him. Once she was through, she approached Bull. “Could I possibly freshen up, Mr. Redford?”

“Of course, right this way.” When he witnessed Isabella’s employee climbing in his truck to leave, a truth which should have been obvious hit him square between the eyes. “You think you’re staying here? With me?” He’d assumed she was here to supervise the delivery, then off to Neiman Marcus or wherever rich women go when they visit Texas.

“Why, yes, I am.” Isabella mentally crossed her fingers, hoping he wouldn’t send her back where she came from so soon. “The price you were given for the animals was a discounted one, due to the promotion you offered Terra Dura. I am here to help plan that program to my satisfaction. This deal hinges on your cooperation, Mr. Redford.” She gave him a saccharine sweet smile. “We’ll have fun, si?” Without waiting for his response, Isabella picked her suitcase up and started up the steps to his small house.

Well, fuck. Talk about being between a rock and hard place. Shit. Bull grabbed her luggage with a grumble. “I’ll carry that.” She looked at him questioningly. “You’re a guest in my house.” Albeit uninvited and unwelcome. He held out a hand in gesture. “After you, Senorita.”

“Such a gentleman.” This time it was Bull’s heart that swelled at her compliment. “When did that happen?”

The smile dropped from his face. She may have gotten her shot in, but in the end, he’d won, because she was the one walking in front of him and he was able to enjoy the view as she climbed the steps.

The front door was wide open. “I see you are very trusting.”

Bull placed her bag down on the floor. “True. This is rural Texas ma’am, nobody locks their doors. Anyone foolish enough to break in would be met with an unpleasant surprise. Everybody is locked and loaded in the Lone Star state.”

Isabella gazed around the front foyer. The house was clean, but modest.

Bull watched her face closely. “Not to your liking?”

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