Page 32 of Toro

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“You are not my patron,” Isabella stated calmly. There might not be a will, but there was a way. She had found proof of her father’s wishes in a video her mother had made of Isabella sitting on her father’s knee while he sang to her and talked to her. He’d stated plainly that everything he owned was hers. Terra Dura was her birthright. Her legacy.

“I won’t be available tomorrow. I’m going out of town.” He shook his cane at her. “Do what you will with the Texan. Just remember who has taken care of you all these years!”

Isabella couldn’t believe the guilt trip. The servants had taken care of her and him. “Good luck with the horses,” she called after him, knowing he would be at the race tracks. Her accountant had informed her recently that Don Luis had invested in some horses, with ranch money, of course. At least, he’d be out of her way - and while he was gone on his trip, she’d make one of her own.

Not wanting to waste any time, she went to the den to use the house phone. Taking Benedict’s card from her wallet, she placed a call to the states. While she was waiting for her cowboy to answer, Lola joined her and Isabella picked her up, giving the dog a kiss. “I wish I could take you with me, but Magdalena will take care of you while I’m gone.”


Isabella swallowed and modulated her tone, making sure she didn’t use her ‘Carmen’ voice. “Hello, this is Isabella Cortez, Mr. Redford. Am I calling at a bad time?”

“Isabella, no, I’ve got a few minutes. What can I do for you?” Bull was standing next to the hospital office. He’d just settled the hospital bill for little Luke and he was waiting to help Carol load him up to go home. Each time he had to say goodbye to that little boy, he felt like he left a piece of himself behind.

“I called to tell you what I could do for you.” She quoted the price for the two bulls. “Are you still interested?” She crossed her fingers. If he said ‘no’, this was about to become more complicated.

“Heck yea, I’m still interested.” After paying these unexpected medical bills, he’d have to tighten his belt, but passing up on the Terra Dura breeding stock wasn’t something he was willing to do. “Are you sure Don Luis will let them go for that price?”

“This is, as you Americans say, a done deal.”

“Great. How is this going to work?”

“I will have them shipped to you in one week’s time, accompanied by a ranch representative. You will be informed of the details when he reaches America. Once the bulls are delivered, you can make payment.”

“Will this ranch representative be your uncle? I’m hoping to convince him to agree to that partnership you mentioned.”

Isabella hesitated. “I’m not sure, Mr. Redford. Rest assured, if my uncle can’t come, we’ll send someone appropriate in his place.”

“Sounds good to me, thank you.”

“How’s your little boy?”

Her personal question didn’t surprise him. “He’s getting out of the hospital today. The little tyke had meningitis. He had a pretty high fever there for a while, but the doctor gave him some antibiotics and he’s going to be fine.”

“Wonderful, I’m so glad.” She knew it was time to hang up, but she didn’t want to. “How are you, Mr. Redford?”

“I’m tired, Miss Cortez. I haven’t been home since I left Mexico.”

“I understand and I’m so thankful the child is much improved.”

Bull struggled with the odd tugging in his chest. “Isabella, I want to apologize for the way I treated you. I was disrespectful. You’ve turned out to be a very good friend.”

Isabella wanted more than gratitude from Benedict Redford. At the moment, however, she’d take what he offered. “You are most welcome. I wish you well, Mr. Redford. I hope you get everything you want from life.”

She just hoped when he discovered her deception, he’d still want her.

After hanging up from the call, she immediately placed another one. “Manuel, please prepare Valiente and Feroz for shipping by plane to Mr. Redford’s ranch. I want their arrival to be in one week, so arrange for a trailer and other proper transport from the airport. I’ll need you to accompany them on the trip. I will be flying to Texas to work out further arrangements concerning our business proposition, but I must make a detour first. I can’t be assured of the timing, so head on to the ranch as soon as you clear customs.” Visiting Benedict Redford trumped La Diosa’s next appearance. She would travel to Veracruz and make her apologies, then fly to the states from there.

“Yes, Senorita. I will do so immediately.”

Satisfied, she kissed her dog and went to pack. “Watch out, Texas, here I come.”

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