Page 3 of Toro

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After fixing himself another bologna sandwich, he settled down on the couch and turned on the TV. The noise of old reruns comforted him. After he swallowed the sandwich and three Oreo cookies, Bull checked his email, happy to see a message from Terra Dura Ranch. With any luck, he’d be heading to Mexico in a few weeks to check out some cattle.

Might as well call it a vacation, he hadn’t had one in years.

“Tug, la amiga, I’m having a problem stuffing all my girly parts into this outfit.” Isabella Cortez held up her arms while her best friend, Renata Espinoza, closed the zipper.

“Anything good is worth the struggle,” Renata stepped back and surveyed her handiwork. “Que bonita! You look amazing.”

Isabella stared in the mirror, noticing her faithful dachshund, Lola, watching with interest. “I guess I look okay. What do you say, Lola?” The small dog threw its head in the air, crowing her approval. “Maybe it will be okay,” Isabella agreed. The scarlet red dress sported a halter top, a high-low hem, and a thousand tiny ruffles from the waistline to the floor. “Do you think the neckline is too low?”

“No, I’d kill for your cleavage.” Renata picked up a shawl and tossed it over her own shoulder. “You certainly don’t need this. If I was shaped like you, Bella, I’d prance around naked all the time.”

“I’m afraid this dress makes promises I won’t deliver.” Isabella grabbed the red fringed scarf from her friend. “I need the scarf for the dance. If I distract them with my feminine assets, maybe they’ll be too wound up to notice when I slip off to free the bulls.”

Renata giggled. “I can’t believe you’re doing this. What if you’re caught?”

“I’m not afraid, tequila will be flowing like a river, most everyone will be drunk. Plus, I can run quickly.”

“Yes, you’re used to dodging the sharp horns of a bull, surely you can evade a few inebriated vaqueros.” Handing Isabella a pair of gold chandelier earrings, Renata made a pouty face. “I just wish I could go with you.”

“No worries, I’m on a mission, not really there to party.” She fastened the earrings, studying her face in the mirror. “Do you think I need more eyeliner?”

“No, you’re perfect.” Renata arranged Isabella’s ebony locks over her shoulder. “What about your warden? How are you slipping away from Don Luis tonight?”

“I’m in luck, my uncle is in Mexico City for a horse race. You know how he loves to gamble.”

“Yea, with your money.” Renata’s tone was totally disapproving.

“Small cost to get him out of my hair.” Isabella stepped back, gazing at the complete picture of herself in the full-length mirror. “I suppose he does his best. I’m a handful. At least with him, I didn’t have to go to an orphanage…after…”

Renata hugged her friend hard. “Don’t think about it, you’re honoring your parents in the greatest way anyone could imagine. You’re carrying the torch for them – righting wrongs and rewriting the way things are done. You’re my hero.”

Isabella giggled. “Heroine.”

“Whatever.” Renata let go and wiped mist from her eyes. “I love you. Now go, get outta here or you’ll miss the fiesta.”

“Okay, and never forget, Renata, I love you too.” She gave her girlfriend a wink, before affixing a mask to hide her identity. She had enough problems with her uncle and his constant refusal to let her control her own legacy without adding fuel to the fire. His constant efforts to paint her as immature and incapable were frustrating. If she landed in jail or got outed as La Diosa, she would just be playing into his hands.

“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” Renata said, as she and Lola followed Isabella down the grand staircase and into the marble foyer. “Who knows? Maybe you’ll find a man.”

Isabella waved her hand, offering a muffled scoff. “There is no one in Aguascalientes who interests me. They’re all boys.” She let a secret smile play on her face. “I want a man. A real man.” Not like the fumbling, clumsiness of Juan Philippe who’d taken her virginity and left her unsatisfied. “I refuse to settle for less.”

“Like I said, you’re my hero.” Renata sighed, grabbing her purse as they passed the ornate hall tree near the front door.

“I’ll be home later, you be sweet.” Isabella patted her dog goodbye. “Watch after things for me.”

“Call and let me know how it goes and be sure to avoid the stampede. I don’t want to read in the newspaper tomorrow that you’ve been trampled.”

“I know what I’m doing, Renata, I’ve planned this for weeks.” Isabella reassured her friend as she closed the massive front door behind them. “Be careful going home.” She watched her friend leave, then turned to her manservant to accept the keys to the white Porsche sitting in the circular drive. He held the door open and she climbed behind the wheel. Pressing the start button, the engine roared to life, making her blood race. “Gracias, Pedro!” Isabella waved to the older man with a smile as she stepped on the gas.

As the fast car ate up the miles, she smiled. Isabella loved the rush life could offer and she intended to squeeze every bit she could out of every single day.

…A few miles down the road, Bull Redford shut the lid on his laptop. His meeting with the rancher had been delayed. Don Luis sent his apologies, explaining how he would be returning in a couple of days. “Well, hell.” Standing, he strode to the window to gaze out over the city of Aguascalientes. “I guess I’ll just have to entertain myself.”

The hotel was nice and he’d selected it for one main reason, it catered to Americans. They promised in their advertisement to have someone on hand who spoke English. Bull intended to utilize the perk to the fullest. Leaving his room, he went down to the lobby, hoping to see a bar he might’ve missed earlier. No such luck. In fact, the place was nearly empty, nobody about but the pallid faced desk clerk and an elderly bellhop. The only noise was the steady tinkle of a fountain gracing the center of an indoor courtyard, complete with banana plants and a strutting peacock. Heading up to the check-in counter, he tapped on the little bell to get the clerk’s attention.

“Si? May I help you, Sir?” was the immediate response.

Bull wondered how the man assumed he was English speaking. Did he look like an American? Of course, he did. “Where can I get a drink around here? Any good places to eat?”

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