Page 72 of Alien Bride

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“Why would Aeson do that?” I asked him. A few seconds later, the answer to my own question slammed into my mind with the force of a trainwreck. The half naked alien males, the fact that he had only invited males, all of the many, many times he had said he wanted a harem. I held up my hand, palm towards him. “Oh, don’t answer that. I think I know. I need to have a talk with that male.”

I turned away, looking around for Aeson yet again.

“May I cook for you?” Destarr asked.

I turned back and gave him a gentle smile.

“Destarr, I hired a caterer; cooking isn’t necessary.” I made sure my words were gentle. If I only knew some of the Norratar gestures, I could convey additional emotional context to my words, but I didn’t.

“I would love to come back on another time when you do not have a caterer and cook for you then,” Destarr continued. “I have been practicing Earth cuisine, and if you let me know your favorite dishes, I will perfect them before my demonstration.”

“I don’t need a demonstration of your cooking.” I shook my head.

“I have also begun to master the human video editing software. There are quite a few classes on your internet that offer great insight into the reasons behind different styles of editing.” His words were coming out a little quicker, like he felt he had too little time to say all he wanted to say. “I have also begun courses on set lighting, ballroom dancing, and large project organization.”

Aeson really put me in a spot on this one.

Were all the alien males here ready to give me their elevator pitch on how they could support me and my dreams? I didn’t like rejecting men. I’d spent a good amount of time perfecting my exit routine for situations like this. If a guy was too aggressive, normally I’d grab his hand and drag him over to look at something interesting before darting away.

But this alien wasn’t setting off any of my instinctual wariness that I felt around human men who were too tense in their desperate need to talk to me.

“Are you looking for a job or are you trying to pitch yourself to me as part of my harem?” I asked, planting my hands on my hips. “I can’t actually tell.”

Destarr hesitated.

“Either would be great actually.” He scratched his chin. “I don’t even know if you’ll awaken my osea yet as it hasn’t been appropriate to rub on you and I left my career behind to come to Earth, and though I have enough savings for Aeson to consider me, I have been trying to figure out what I want to do here.”

“Ok, you know what I’ll do? You can work on my next project; I’ll find a place for you. Are you willing to work as a PA? Do you have your own space transport?” I asked.

“Yes and yes!” Destarr beamed. “A production assistant is a fine job.”

“I’m going to pay you almost nothing,” I added, seeing how far I could push it.

“I will accept that on this first project.” Destarr nodded. “But after I show you my quality, if you wish me to continue with you, we will have a conversation about what that entails.”

“Plus I’m not interested in you for my harem, let’s be clear on that,” I added.

“Crystal clear is the correct idiom response for that!” Destarr nodded and gave me a relaxed smile. “Let me know what you want me to do, boss!”

He turned and trotted off.

“You don’t want to consider this one?” Aeson rumbled from behind me.

“Aeson!” I whirled. He was hanging down from the scaffolding canopy, his upper body dangling just up out of reach. I jabbed my finger up towards his chest. “I’m not adding anyone to our relationship right now!”

“Right now is good.” Aeson smiled. “It is much better than never.”

I shook my head at him and laughed.

“If you keep bringing around guys looking like that, there is a good chance you’re going to sway my opinion,” I admitted. “You did realize this party was for me to work on my industry connections and find the people I wanted to work on my next project, right?”

“Yesss.” Aeson’s tongue tasted the air. “Though it seems you appreciate my choice of guests.”

He lunged forward and snatched me, his arms wrapping around my waist as he lifted me up off the ground, drawing me back into the canopy.

“Aeson!” I wiggled in his arms. “What are you doing?”

“Do you want me to stop?” he asked as he pulled me up out of sight, behind the leafy decorations he had affixed to the top of the canopy. He held me tight against his body and let out that fully body rumble I so desperately loved.

“Yes I want you to stop,” I smiled as I ran my hand up his chest. “Then after the last guest has left, I want you to do whatever you want to me. We can use the red, yellow, green thing we talked about and a safe word.”

“Good,” he chuckled. “When the last guest has left, the safe word will be...”

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