Page 36 of Alien Bride

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“I don’t think you should talk to anyone,” I pointed out. “We shouldn’t run into anyone, but if we do, let me do all the talking.”

“Agreed,” he nodded.

We headed towards my apartment.

The jacaranda trees were blooming. The sunlight streamed through the purple blossoms, warming my skin as I took a deep breath of the smog filled air of my city. The scent of car exhaust and the constant hum of engines rumbled to one side of me as the cars inched by, moving in surges at the lights turned green. A man walked past us on the sidewalk.

“Oh, shit! What the fuck!” I heard from behind me.

I turned to see the man half leaning against one of the parked cars, his feet up in the air as if he was falling off of an invisible platform. He looked at me, his eyes wide as he repeatedly lifted his feet up and down, trying to find the ground but his feet never made it back down to the ground.

“Are you seeing this?” the man asked me.

“You should probably wait at your ship while I go get my stuff,” I muttered to Aeson.

“I will spend the time requesting a public announcement of my species’s presence on Earth so I don’t need to wear an ineffective disguise,” Aeson remarked.

He turned and headed back towards the park. I could hear the sound of his tail moving over the cement, but I couldn’t see it.

“That guy just levitated!” The man pointed at Aeson as his hologram floated back down to the ground as Aeson lowered his upper body.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I felt a little bad acting like the guy was crazy just because he had the bad luck to trip over an alien’s tail.

“Wait, aren’t you that…” The man did a double take as he looked at me, then reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, lifting it up to point it at me as if he was about to start filming. All of the sudden, he shrieked as he was yanked sideways off of his feet.

“AH, SOMETHING’S GOT ME!” the man shrieked as he began shaking his foot like it was covered in ants.

I made my retreat towards my apartment at a quick jog.

It was a little cowardly, I knew, but the last thing I wanted to do was get caught on someone else’s camera with my new alien husband. This whole thing could go my way as long as I was in charge of the release of information, as long as I could spin it the way I wanted.

I turned around the corner to head up the hill towards my apartment and stopped in my tracks, spinning in place to duck back out of sight. There was a large group of reporters, including several news vans, waiting in front of my place.

My heart pounded in my chest.

It was worse than I thought.

Those people, they had to be there for me. I knew from that sinking feeling in my gut and the tight pressure in my chest that this was getting out of control. I hadn’t been online. I hadn’t been posting. I hadn’t been doing damage control.

Now the mainstream media had the story in their grasp.

I had a choice now. I could try to push through them while they took unflattering pictures and shouted questions at me, giving them a perfect guilty person of hating the media shop for their one minute new story on the drama llama that was my life. Or I could turn around. Aeson said he had everything I needed at the honeymoon. The only thing I was certain he didn’t have was enough medication to get me through several days.

What I had in my purse would only last me till tomorrow at the rate I was going.

If I didn’t want to face down the paparazzi storm and give them ammunition to the idea of me as a villain, then my only choice was to try the cure.

I knew my flaws as a person.

I was obstinate and self-assured, good at faking confidence instead of feeling it, and I definitely had a dose of narcissism most people nowadays called main character syndrome. But I wasn’t so flawed that I would put my one chance at salvaging my future at risk just so I could avoid doing what the doctor ordered.

It was time to spend some time with my new honey on the moon. The idea excited me, but at the same time, I was apprehensive. I’d agreed to it, but at the same time, the fact that he insisted on sex grated on my nerves like nails scraping down a chalkboard.

My body clearly wanted him.

Despite the differences in our bodies, emotionally and mentally, I was most of the way there as well. The fact of the matter was though in saying that the relationship had to have sex, he was saying that his heart wasn’t attracted to me. I knew I shouldn’t make assumptions, especially about an alien species, but it didn’t feel good.

That wasn’t entirely true.

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