Page 33 of Alien Bride

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Now facing multiple opponents simultaneously, I employed my full range of serpentine agility. My tail acted almost independently, guarding and striking, while my upper body twisted and turned, avoiding blows and redirecting the force of incoming attacks. My head stayed low, avoiding high strikes, and I used my lower center of gravity to maintain stability and control.

I coiled as I moved, tightening up my body and raising myself up in the air.

As one soldier leaped towards me, attempting to use my tail as a springboard to get to my neck, I coiled tightly and then expanded rapidly, launching her gently through the air to land safely but effectively out of the fight.

As I came back down, I used the momentum to whip out and slam into all the soldiers who thought they were out of my reach. One of them flew backwards towards where my mate was standing.

I lunged for him, catching him by the vest before he crashed into her.

Her eyes met mine, wide as she stared at me, and a thrill shot through me.

She was watching me.

She was seeing me for the warrior I was inside, the mate that could protect and care for her in any situation. I was showing her that she would always be safe with me.

Finally, the one called Kevrar stepped forward, holding up his fist.

He had stayed out of the fight, standing and just watching until this moment. The squadron fell backwards, giving him the space to come close to me. He spread his color tipped claws and gave me a feral grin.

“Let’s do this,” he growled.

I was on the slippery part of the floor where I had less traction, having moved there to protect my mate from the flying body. Kevrar was in between me and the padded mat. Even though I was strong, and huge, and powerful, if given any chance, I would

Instead of launching myself at him, or waiting for him to come to me, I turned and darted to the side, towards the large pole the blond human had been climbing earlier.

As the soldier squared off against me, his gloves tipped with bright paint to mark his strikes, I cautiously circled the solid pole at the center of the gym, aware of his intention to target my vulnerabilities: the spaces between my hips and under my jaw.

He advanced deliberately, feinting high to draw my attention before diving low, aiming a swipe at the space between my hips. I swiftly coiled to the side, using the pole to elevate myself slightly and avoid his strike. As he recalibrated his approach, his eyes never left the target areas, plotting his next move.

With agile movements, I climbed up the pole, my scales gripping the surface tightly. From this higher vantage point, I watched him circle below, seeking an opportunity to reach the tender spot under my jaw. He lunged upward with a stretch of his arm, aiming a swipe. I rotated around the pole, letting his glove pass just inches from my jaw, the paint leaving a trail in the air where I had just dodged.

Not staying aloft for long, I slid down the pole with controlled speed to keep him guessing. As I descended, he attempted another strike at the spaces between my hips. I twisted, wrapping my body in a tight spiral around the pole, and his swipe only grazed the side of my scales, leaving a faint smear of paint.

Landing lightly on the mat, I maintained the pole as a barrier between us. He moved quickly, trying to outflank me and reach for my jaw again. Each time he lunged, I shifted my position, keeping my jaw just out of reach, his fingers brushing close but not making the direct contact he aimed for.

He feinted to the left and then darted right, a quick maneuver meant to disorient. But as he reached for the underside of my jaw, I recoiled back, using my tail to thrust me to the side. His claws swept through the space where my head had been just a moment before, narrowly missing and striking the pole instead, leaving a vivid mark on its surface.

As we both took a brief pause, the air thick with anticipation, he hadn’t managed to mark any of my critical vulnerabilities directly. I flicked my tail, ready for another round, impressed by his strategy yet still unmarked where it mattered most.

I had been on the defensive, staying out of his reach and not attacking.

It had been intentional.

Kevrar was breathing hard, having worked harder to reach me than I had worked to stay away from him. I uncoiled from my defensive posture and advanced towards the soldier, who was momentarily taken aback by the sudden change in my tactics.

I lunged forward, feigning a direct attack to his midsection, which forced him to parry in a rush. Using his momentary imbalance, I swept my tail in a low, quick arc towards his legs, not to strike but to maneuver him into a less favorable position. He stumbled slightly, and I capitalized on his instability.

Circling around him swiftly, I leveraged my speed and the agility inherent to my serpentine form. He turned to face me, throwing cautious, measured punches, aiming to regain control. I dodged to the left and then to the right, slipping past his defenses and gradually herding him toward the pole near the edge of the gym.

With a rapid burst of motion, I coiled my body around the pole briefly to gain momentum, then launched myself towards him. Before he could fully react, I had wrapped my tail around his torso. Using the pole to stabilize myself, I tightened my grip, ensuring each coil restricted his movement further without causing harm.

He struggled against my hold, his efforts vigorous but futile as I applied gentle but firm pressure. I could feel his energy waning, his attempts to free himself growing less coordinated. I maintained my grip, not constricting enough to harm but enough to assert control.

"Yield," I hissed softly, close to his ear, as we remained locked in that position. After a tense moment, he relaxed his body, signaling his defeat.

"I yield," he conceded, his voice strained but respectful in its musicality.

I unwound my tail slowly, allowing him to regain his footing. He straightened up, rubbing his hands over the cracks in his protective gear.

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