Page 28 of Alien Bride

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“No, I wish for you to take as much time as you need,” Aeson replied. “I emotionally reacted because I am worried for you, but I do not wish for my worry to stop you from getting the care that you need. I will go wait in the fitness room. There is something I wish to discuss with these guards anyway. You will call me on your wrist unit when you are done?”

“I will,” I replied. I glanced over over at the guards, then back at my new enormous husband. “What do you want to talk to them about?”

“Making sure all your needs are fulfilled,” he replied.

Then he put a hand on my back and pushed me through the open door.

“Hey!” I glared at him before the closing door cut us off from each other. “That didn’t answer my question at all.”

“Welcome, I’m Doctor Lavinsar,” a soothing voice sang out from behind me. “I’ve been informed you experienced medical distress. Your mate transmitted the readings from his ship over to us.”

I turned to see a female Norratar standing behind me, a big closed lip smile on her face.

“Will you lay down on my diagnostics table?” she asked, patting a white long slab of a table next to her.

I sat down on it and turned to lay down. The table began to rise in the air until I was lifted up to a position that had to be more comfortable for the doctor. If it had been that height when I walked in, I would have had to climb to get up on it. I turned my head to see her pull a screen out from the side of the table. It was attached with a little arm that let her swivel and lift the screen so it was in the air next to the table.

“Have you eaten anything strange lately?” She glanced away from the screen and back down at me.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

She swiveled the screen so I could see it.

It looked like the outline of a human shape laying down, with small blue lines going through the body. There were splotches of color and a scrolling list of text that I couldn’t read.

“It looks like you are suffering from imbalances caused by benzodiazepines.” She pointed at some of the words on the screen. “Likely from something you have consumed regularly over a long period of time. Your brain chemistry is unbalanced, and your rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath on the ship was likely a withdrawal-induced panic. It may have seemed like a psychological induced attack, but given these readings, it is more likely your body has an addition to a substance you’ve been taking regularly and triggers an extreme reaction when you run out.”

“How…?” I gaped at her. “I’ve been on this table for a minute. How could you come to a conclusion like that so quickly?”

She gave me a gentle smile.

“Our primary solar system is over 39 light years away from Earth.” Her tone was soft, and the notes she sang as she spoke were higher pitched than normal. “Your segment of your species has had its scientific research systematically sabotaged so that you could be developed as a product. Our medical equipment is on par with our spacefaring capabilities.”

“Sabotaged?” I asked, sitting up to look at her. “Product? Segment of a species? What are you talking about?”

“Oh, that must not have been released publicly yet.” She flicked her ears back. “Well, the information wasn’t marked as ship only, so the short answer is your planet has been isolated from the rest of your species for a while. The Human Alliance hadn’t been making any efforts to get it back until now that we’ve seized it. They have a hostile relationship with the Shek’invitali so it all is a bit complicated. I’m not really into politics. It isn’t important for getting you better, other than the fact that Earth Human biology is a little bit different from the rest of the humans in the galaxy due to the experimentation. There will be a bunch more details released publically.”

“What?” was the only thing I could think of to say.

“Let’s focus back on you.” Doctor Lavinsar turned the screen back away from me. “Back to my original question - is there anything you’ve been taking that you think could have caused this biochemical issue?”

My brain was reeling, but if what this doctor said was true, and given the fact that I was sitting in a literal spaceship and had seen all the things happening in the news with the whole ‘alien occupation’ thing, taking her at her word that she knew how to help me seemed like a small step rather than a leap in belief. Yes, the Norratar had caused chaos with their planetary takeover, but most of the destruction was to physical properties, and even when they had the initial military conflicts, they had used mostly non-lethal methods.

There still had been some deaths during the initial stages of the takeover, but none of them were civilians.

Most civilian life had gone on as normal so far, just with some strange additions, like free water and energy. There was shifting going on and the economy had gone absolutely bananas, but it wasn’t anywhere close to bad unless you considered large corporations losing their grip on low income workers a bad thing.

Not that I was ready to say anything like that publicly.

People who spoke out in favor of the Norratar were often drowned in a sea of hateful comments. It seemed strangely unbalanced. Most of what I heard in person, people were in favor of the results of the occupation, especially since it seemed to be them mostly giving us things. Well, that and destroying the physical infrastructure of specific corporations.

There was one snack and water company that had lost all of its water bottling plants and corporate offices. There had been a clear warning, then a bright light and a loud announcement telling everyone to vacate, then the Norratar had swarmed in and removed the few people who ignored that - then the building was just gone.

It was disconcerting how easily they could destroy things from space… and that included military infrastructure and equipment.

Then the Norratar set up free health clinics and mass distributed their water from air machines and unlimited energy generators and it seemed to be a good thing. Enough of a good thing for me to sign up for the Mated Match service and to make me willing to give this doctor a real chance.

I dug my hand into my purse and pulled out my Blamex.

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