Page 25 of Alien Bride

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“I will send a request to the Norratar ship,” I nodded. She was my mate, and if she wasn’t in a state to make decisions, I would make the best one for her.

“My house is on Earth, why are we in space?” she hissed at me.

“I’m not sure I understand your question,” I replied. “We are in space because we are on our way to your house.”

She stood up on the chair, crossing her arms. Even standing on it, she was still shorter than I was at my comfortable resting position. The muscles around her eyes tightened as she looked up at me.

“Outer space is NOT on the way to my house.” She jabbed a finger at me. “I have to go to my house. I have to get my things!”

“Oh, I understand the confusion,” I said. “It is simpler for my ship to go out of the atmosphere and then back down into it rather than moving around inside of it.”

“I don’t understand that at all,” she replied.

“I can try to provide a more detailed explanation, but I don’t think that is what is important right now. A short while ago you were exhibiting extreme signs of physical distress, including screaming, leaking water, and a heart rate that is listed as being dangerous for your species to hold for a prolonged period,” I informed her. “You need to go be evaluated by a medical professional.”

“It’s fine.” She shook her head. “I’m fine.”

“I am unable to believe that due to your signs of extreme distress,” I replied. “I will request permission to board the ship. Even if you are acting normally now, I must be reassured by an educated professional. Please agree to this for the sake of my comfort. I can take you to a human hospital if you prefer?”

She shook her head, avoiding eye contact as her face flushed.

“No human hospital.” Her words came out quickly. “Let’s go to the space elves.”

“This will not work while the ship is in motion, but this is the on off trigger for your seat.” I put my fingers over the release and mimicked the gripping motion needed to trigger it. “Please try it yourself and then resume your seat for transport to the ship.”

I lifted back up through the mesh to the flight section.

The whole experience left me uncomfortable, and I needed a moment of distance. It wasn’t her behavior itself that was the problem; it was not knowing what to do about it. This relationship was so new that I didn’t know anything. I didn’t know how to help her. I didn’t know how to protect her from whatever that was.

It made me feel vulnerable and unprepared.

It was my duty to take care of her and I hadn’t been ready the first time she needed me. How could I be a good mate if I didn’t know what to do? How could I be a good mate if she wasn’t willing to tell me what she was experiencing and how to help?

I sent in my request to the Norratar crown ship.

I couldn’t let myself stay ignorant.

I would earn her trust.

[ 12 ]


This was so messed up.

I couldn’t believe I had a full on panic attack. Like there was snot dribbling out of my nose as I cried kind of freakout I hadn’t had in a long time. I leaned my head back in the soft, cushiony, grabby chair and stared up at where Aeson’s body vanished into the ceiling. The numb calm that washed through my body should have been an intense relief from the heart rending panic I had been feeling a short while before, but instead I just felt… unsettled.

I didn’t want this.

I wanted to be normal.

I wanted to get the rest of my meds from my house before going on the honeymoon. I needed them to stay calm and focus. I needed them so I wouldn’t sit around wishing to be normal.

I grew up dreaming about being a star in a movie, wishing I could be as glamorous and gorgeous as the women I saw tap dancing and singing their way across the screen. Everyone always loved them. When they walked down the red carpet people cried out how much they loved them, and the thought of being surrounded by people, all telling me how amazing I was, filled me with a longing that I had never satisfied my entire life.

At that thought, I looked over at the bracelet, peeking out from where the chair was partially encasing my arm again.

“We have docked at the ship,” Aeson’s voice floated through the ceiling. “It will be a few minutes before we can disembark but you can release your restraints now.”

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