Page 19 of Alien Bride

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“I want it to be him,” I said.

“Why?” she asked.

I answered from my heart, letting the words flow out of me, not knowing what I was going to say until I said them.

“Because of the way he communicates,” I said. “He is clear with his intentions and has no issues setting boundaries, even if those boundaries run the risk of pushing me away. It means I don’t have to worry about him just saying what he thinks I want to hear… and that is something I have never found in a guy. Like, ever. They all say whatever shit they can come up with to be able to get with me. It is exhausting dating and trying to figure out if the guy is painting a picture of himself that is false. This way I get to be with a guy that I know is going to be upfront with me, even if it means I walk away. That in itself makes him worth his weight in gold. So far, anyway. I reserve the right to change my mind.”

“Really?” she sighed, a smile curling her lips up as her eyes softened. “You got all that after just meeting him?”

“Plus I’m horny,” I added.

“Oh my gawd, Jessica,” Caley blushed.

I turned back to the mirror.

“Apparently my body is into giant muscle bound monsters,” I said.

“He’s a novelist,” Caley said. “And an alien. Not a monster.”

“All novelists are monsters,” I quipped back.

[ 9 ]


I was waiting with the human marriage officiant, a human male wearing a black robe, unadorned with the exception of a small white square at his throat. Human throats were extremely delicate, and I wondered why the male was wearing an outfit that drew attention to a fragile location.

The best way to answer any question I had in my head was to ask it out loud.

“Is your throat marking to demonstrate your weakness?” I asked.

“My what?” The male looked up at me with wide eyes, his fingers going to his throat. “No, that is a symbol of purity and dedication.”

“Why would drawing attention to your vulnerability be a symbol of dedication?” I asked.

Adjacent to the main house, there was a garden where we were waiting. A little way off to the side was the smaller structure where Jessica and I had met. Standing not far from the officiant and myself was the teal-haired Norratar Jevelar, the male in charge of the mate-matching service being established on Earth. Little, brightly colored flowers lined the paths leading us through what appeared to be a meticulously landscaped garden. Those lying on the ground tended to be purple with a tiny yellow dot in the middle. Dark red flowers adorned a towering bush behind the priest. The bush was taller than he was. Directly in front of it, behind the priest, was a white archway that had a climbing vine woven through it. We were on a smoothed tile path made of large sections of rock. Aligning my tail to avoid the flowers and the small buzzing insects that swarmed them, I could feel some rough edges on the ground. However, nothing was harsh enough to cause me more than a moment's notice.

There was very little that could damage my body here on this planet.

It was a gentler environment than the homeworld of my species.

“Why do you see that as a vulnerability?" said the officiant.

“Human necks are soft and fragile; you lack any protective structure against squeezing.” I held out my hand towards him, not touching but letting him see how large it was in comparison to his neck. “One firm grip and that is the end for you.”

“How do you know this?” the officiant asked, his voice coming out small and high-pitched.

“It was part of the required course on human care,” Jevelar chimed in. “Anyone applying for the mate matching service must complete the required courses to make sure we are fully informed on how to take care of our more delicate mates, in all the ways. Do your males not take lessons on how to properly please your females? Species that don’t do that are considered uncivilized.”

The male was saved from saying anything else by the door to the house opening.

At that moment, all thoughts left my mind like a breeze brushing pollen from the branches in a forest. There was nothing to say or think that was more important than taking in the beautiful visage of perfection that stood in the doorway to the rest of my life.

My mate was wearing a white outfit that alternated between a shiny fabric and a delicate lace that exposed her skin in tantalizing places. She moved towards me as if she was gliding on air. It took me a moment to notice her human friend next to her, arm laced through hers. As they approached, the human friend peeled off to stand beside the teal haired Norratar.

My mate stood in front of me and I reached out to take her hand, feeling how soft and small it was in mine.

“Right, so, before we begin, are you sure you want to do this?” the officiant asked my mate.

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