Page 17 of Alien Bride

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“Well, if that’s what you want to do,” I giggled. “I’m not going to stop you.”

He grinned in response.

[ 7 ]


I folded the curve of my tail over my slit, pressing down on it, not allowing my hardened shafts to emerge. This was about her, not me. I felt like there was a fire underneath my skin, that the only way to quench it was to lose myself fully in the clutch of the soft creature I held helpless in my coils.

I couldn’t do that.

I couldn’t take her the way I wanted to.

I couldn’t shift her, line her up, pressing my hips in between her legs and exploring the slickness by dragging my cockhead up and down the outside of her channel.

Well, I could do that, but then I would risk losing this chance.

I inhaled deeply, drenching my senses in her delicious sent as I felt her thigh trembling against the sides of my head. I could see up her body from my position, through the entrancing tuft of hair, along the soft and supple folds of her body, to the underside of her mounds as they slid to either side of her chest, flattening out in a completely different shape than they looked when she stood upright.

I focused on my task at hand.

I needed to reassure her in no uncertain terms that her health, happiness, and pleasure was my top priority. She was so delicate in comparison to me. It was no wonder the application requirements for the mate matching agency were so strict. Being paired with such a deliciously divine creature was no small gift. But having her agree to go through a culturally binding mating ritual required even more from me.

It was a more that was oh so easy to give.

All of my senses were focused on her, by my tongue sliding in and out of her, by the reactions her body gave me to my own natural vibrations. She was melting into me and I was consumed by her.

This was more than I could have ever dreamed of in a mate.

She reached her peak again, her thighs clamping hard against my face as her toes curled against the backs of my shoulders. I kept all of my natural decorations flat and smooth against my skin so that she wouldn’t come to any harm and I slowed the movements of my tongue to a more languid licking.

“No… no more,” she gasped out. “It’s too much.”

“As you wish.” I gave her center a gentle kiss before lifting up. I kept her limp body supported on my coiled tail but shifted my upper body back and away from her, making sure to keep my shafts firmly trapped so they wouldn’t spring out at her again.

She let out a groan and put her hands over her face, running her fingers through her hair.

“Is there more you need?” I ask. “What else can I do to make you feel good?”

“Why?” she asked. “Why be so generous?”

“Generous?” I asked. “It is my opinion that I have been quite greedy. You are utterly delicious.”

She rolled off my tail, collecting her garments from where I had carefully placed them and slipping them on. She turned back towards me, tucking her hair behind her ear and cleared her throat, giving me a tentative smile that looked different than all the ones she had done before.

I stared at her, not sure what made it so different, but I could feel in my hearts that in that small, vulnerable looking smile was something I hadn’t seen before.

“I’m ready to move forward with the wedding,” she said.

[ 8 ]


“Is there any reason you can think of for why I shouldn’t do this, because unless you come up with something that is a hardcore deal breaker, I’m doing this.” I turned to look at my butt in the mirror. I frowned, smoothing my hands over the dress as I turned back to the front. “How did you even match me with this guy? What if he’s a serial killer and his species eats humans?”

We were in the ‘bride preparation room’ as Caley called it. It was really just one of the bedrooms upstairs, but instead of a bed there was several armchairs, a couch, a fully lit vanity with lights going all the way around it in a circle, and all the other things one would think that a woman would want around her while she got ready to get married.

“He isn’t… they don’t,” Caley said. She held out a large flat wooden box towards me. When I turned to her, she opened it, displaying a set of six different tiaras. “All of the applicants are screened. To apply, we have to be able to pull all of their records from their government, and that includes criminal behavior, like eating other sentients.”

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