Page 15 of Alien Bride

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“Call you a good girl?” he asked.

“No, the vibration.” I smiled at him. “That felt amazing. It was like you just went over my full body with a gentle car buffer. It felt really good down to my bones.”

“I am pleased that you tell me when you want more of something,” he rumbled, his entire body vibrating again, sending waves of pleasure through my entire body. His touch was so strong and yet gentle, holding me without pinching or bruising, just firm, deliberate grip that caused his vibration to sink down to my bones, to touch something inside of me that desperately needed attention.

I could feel it down in my pelvic floor as well, and when he stopped the vibration, it was like trying to fly in a dream and yet continuing to arc and float back down to the ground.

“Oh, I’m so close just from that,” I protested. “If you do it again, you’re going to get me there without even your mouth.”

“I am too selfish for that,” he chuckled. “I wish to taste the first time I bring you to your peak. I wish to see it and feel it.”

“You’re going to need to take my pants off to do that,” I laughed, wiggling in his grip. I couldn’t get free at all, not even to pull my own trousers down.

He moved, his entire body shifting around me, sliding and caressing me, moving and manipulating me until I was lying on my back on a bed made out of his coiled end of his tail. His fingers slid into the top of my jeans, sending sparks of electricity through my lower abdomen as he brushed against the sensitive spots on the inside of my hip bones.

“May I remove these?” he asked.

“Please do.” I grinned.

He tugged, and I slid closer to his upper body, my legs going to either side of him as I pressed up against his hips. The slit where his members had emerged was right there. As much as that delicious part of me wanted to tease him, I didn’t move against him.

This was about me.

The only part of this that was about him was him showing me that he could be a careful and considerate lover, something I had to verify before I committed to him for the next year. He was far too massive and muscular for me to just wing this. I needed to know that he was dedicated to my pleasure.

“Is there some trick to these?” he asked. “How do they come off?”

“There is a button on the front and a zipper,” I pointed out. “After you loosen them you’ll have to lift up my hips to slide them off.”

He shifted me back on his tail, his muscular length rolling and rubbing against my back like a massage chair flattened and turned into a bed made of writhing serpents. He leaned down and inspected the front of my jeans. He lifted my shirt up and I shifted, trying to suck my belly back so it didn’t fold down over the edge of my jeans.

“I’m going to do more cardio soon.” I winced as his eyes focused on the jiggles of my midsection. “I can get rid of that.”

He stroked a light finger over the soft folds of my belly, causing a tremble to race through me.

“This part of you is delightfully softer than the rest,” he pointed out. “I would prefer if you kept it.”

I flushed and didn’t respond.

With a gentle touch, he unthreaded the button and pulled down the zipper. He lifted my hips and slid my trousers down slowly, his thumbs brushing against the inside of my thighs, his touch small brands of fire licking against my skin.

He pulled them all the way off my feet and then hooked the sides of my underwear, repeating the gesture a little slower.

“I will remove these coverings now.” He stared into my eyes.

I fidgeted, turning my face away from him as my feet shifted against his soft scales. It was too intense. He paused, the edges of my underwear pressing against my pubic area as he stopped mid motion.

“You will respond with a yes, you want me to continue,” he replied. “Or I will stop.”

I covered my face with my hands.

“Can’t we turn off the light or something?” I glanced over at the sunlight streaming through the lacy white curtains as I spoke.

“No,” he replied. “I must see what I am doing for the first few times to ensure I give the best performance. We will stop or we will continue.”

His thumbs traced circles around my hipbones, and I sucked in a sharp breath, my lips parting as I widened my legs. The end of his tail curled around one of my ankles.

I met his eyes again.

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