Page 12 of Alien Bride

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My small human bride stood in front of me, looking up at me. I lifted my upper body up higher in the air so that I towered over her, showing off the strength in my tail and giving her a good look at my body.

“I have to tell you something,” she said.

“I am eager to hear anything you wish to say to me,” I replied.

“The entire planet has seen your… business,” she said, pointing at my crotch. “I was live streaming and everyone saw your… interest in me.”

That was not what I was expecting.

“Good,” I replied.

“Good?” she asked.

“I will battle any that wish to challenge me for you,” I replied. “I am aware of how puny your human men are. Now they know they will not be able to rival me in my ability to pleasure you. Your males will put up a fiercer fight now that they know that I will put them to shame.”

“I don’t have any other males,” she said. “And we aren’t hooking up,”

“You told me you had dozens of males,” I replied. “And I was not aware your species had hooks? This will not be a problem. I can handle anything that is required in your mating.”

There was nothing like that in the information available on her species. A feral joy filled me. This is why I was here, to find out these small details, the ones that trillions of my species would be ravenous to read about. I felt immense gratitude that my bride had chosen to sign up for this new mate matching service so quickly. If she hadn’t, I wouldn’t have been the first to get to go through this process and get firsthand access to a planet that the entire galaxy was interested in.

I was in the perfect position.

“No, that wasn’t what I meant by… I don’t have any mates or males… Let’s start over,” she said. She stuck out her hand. “Hi, nice to meet you, my name is Jessica.”

Ah! A traditional human greeting.

I was surprised by the fact that she offered only one name. I’d always thought that my mate would be on the same level as me, from a prominent clan. As the years had passed and I realized what kind of life I would have, committing myself to a matriarch like that, I’d grown disillusioned with it.

I didn’t expect my mate to have absolutely nothing to her name. Whatever she meant by dozens, it was now clear that she didn’t have other males.

It meant it was all on me.

Humans didn’t tend to mate with a large number of males to each female, and for the first time the daunting level of my responsibilities weighed down on me. This was a woman I would need to take care of. This was a mate who needed me in a way I never thought I would be needed before. Winning her affections wasn’t going to just be about presenting my physical capabilities, it wasn’t going to be a performance - it was going to be about how I could genuinely take care of her and our children.

It felt… exciting.

Like my worth as a male was more than how well I could perform against her existing males.

I shifted my tail around the room to lower my upper body so I was closer to her level and I leaned forward and gently took her hand in mine. I lifted her hand gently until it was close to my mouth.

“I am Aeson, seventh son of the seventh clutch of the Tsalu Salintinith Matriarch,” I replied. I pressed my lips to her hand and carefully slid my tongue over her knuckles, swirling my tongue to demonstrate its strength and flexibility.

She gasped, her cheeks flushing with color as she yanked her hand back out of my grasp.

A delicate scent rose from her, fragrant and utterly delicious. I felt my shafts strain as they stiffened again, but this time I was prepared for it and did not allow them to slip free. There would be no more accidental exposures. I hadn’t been prepared for how attracted I would be to this small fragile human, but now that I knew, I would keep myself under control.

“You withdrew so quickly?” I asked. “What can I change to make that more enjoyable?”

“No, that was… it’s not that it wasn’t…” She shook her head, holding up both of her hands so her palms faced me. “We aren’t going to bang.”

The translator took a moment with that word.

“You don’t wish to mate with me?” I asked, more disappointment than I was expecting crushing down on me. I had to squash my instinctual reaction, to wrap around her, to slide myself against her and tease her into changing her mind. My instincts, my desires, weren’t right for this moment. She didn’t know me at all, I didn’t know her. I knew that the mate matching system the Norratar had devised thought we were perfect for one another, but that didn’t mean anything when it came down to actually making the decision.

“I can’t…” she said. “I’m going through a lot right now and I need to marry you for other reasons… for my career. This won’t be a real marriage.”

I looked at her and she looked at me.

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