Page 5 of Foresworn Oath

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The room looks like it always does. As usual, the cavernous space is empty except for an enormous oval wooden table that’s surrounded by an assortment of chairs. In the center of the table, a skull scorched into the wood along with a hastily carved Demon Breakers scratched underneath it. The letters are uneven, some barely even legible—nothing to be proud of.

Venom grunts as I take a seat next to him. “Any clue what this is about?” he asks. His voice is steady and calm, but knowing him like I do, it’s clear he doesn’t like the change in routine any more than I do.

“No,” I murmur quietly. The scrape of chairs and grumbling fills the space; a bunch of grumpy bikers pulled away from their booze and bitches. It doesn’t make for a happy audience.

“Better be important,” Lash complains, his chair screeching along the floor like nails on a chalkboard before he slams down into it with a huff of annoyance.

The door to Church closes with a slam, and I cross my arms over my chest to avoid jumping like a little bitch. Fuck, I’m on edge. My eyes snap toward Pirate. He saunters toward the head of the table with some extra pep in his step.

This is gonna be bad.

My brothers shift in their seats and tension builds within the room. There’s no teasing or joking tonight. No ‘Prospect put on a show’ catcalls or demands. Something’s off, and we all know it.

Pirate runs a finger across his President patch as he looms over the head of the table, and every single person holds their collective breath as a sadistic smile—that’s half snarl—overtakes his face.

“Tonight was supposed to be a celebration. It was supposed to be the day three of our prospects became brothers.”

The silence is deafening as he pauses, looking up and down the table, eyes falling on each brother. When ours locks, a twisted glee fills his. This is it. My final breath.

“But, instead, we have a traitor in our midst. A little bitch who thought he could leave the Demon Breakers. A little bitch who thought he could run away in the dark of night. That we would just let it go.” My fingers itch to reach for the gun at my ankle. But, of course, it’s useless—locked in a box outside the door.

Pirate’s statement causes anger to flood the room, building into a roar. And I don’t dare move.

“Blood in. Blood out,” Wolf bellows, and the club answers the call. Chanting the words over and over again. Blood in. Blood out. Blood in. Blood out. You kill for the club to prove your loyalty—and the only way to leave is death.

Pirate pulls a gun from his back, and the steel gleams in his hand. The world narrows to the barrel, the dark black maw ready to drag me to hell.

He brings it up, pointing it at me across the table, but I refuse to flinch. Refuse to beg or apologize. Lifting my chin, I stare right into the opening and wait for the bullet to rush toward me. End this violent life.

I’m sorry, Trinity. My heart cracks. I’m never gonna see my sunlight again. She was the only thing that made this life worth living. Please be safe. Please be safe.

The sound of the gun clicking has the brothers silent once again. He cocks the gun, aiming for my head. My heartbeat throbs in my temples, and roars in my ears. But I don’t flinch. Don’t close my eyes.

My father stares daggers at me, one finger on the trigger…

Then pop pop.

Pirate fires, and I wait for the pain—the end.

Whatever the afterlife is like…



My eyes burn, dry now after all the tears. My heart thunders in my ears, beating the same tempo as the vibration of the vehicle floor under my chest. With my hands taped behind my back, I’m completely useless. Stuck. The coppery stench of blood permeates the back of the van, making the cramped floor space that much worse, and I try to clear my head.

I’ve never been afraid of the dark, but the blindfold completely blocks out any light, and the inky blackness becomes all-consuming. I spiral into the depths of loneliness—the unknown pressing down on me.

Who is this?

Where is he taking me?

Will Legacy ever find me?

The duct tape over my mouth is sticky, and I lick at it, trying to loosen it enough to scream while the van flies … somewhere.

Sawing my jaw back and forth, I gulp deep breaths of air when the tape finally pops free.

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