Page 10 of Foresworn Oath

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Trinity mutters suddenly, drawing my attention. Her head rolls back and forth on the table as she slowly regains consciousness. Pirate rubs his hands together in excitement, nudging Wolf out of the way and assuming a position between her legs.

“This tasty cunt is Venom’s daughter. She was helping that traitor—which means she’s now a free-use whore. They both have sins. And her holes are gonna pay ‘em,” he growls, flicking his dagger free and bringing it toward her beautiful face. The energy in the room perks up with brothers eager to fuck her hard.

That’s never gonna happen. Wish I had my weapon, but I’ll fight them all if it kills me. She’s mine. Mine to protect, to love.

My girl’s eyes suddenly pop wide, and she lurches forward and tries to sit up, but is quickly subdued by Wolf. He shoves her down so hard that her head knocks against the wooden table with a thunk, and she cries out in pain. The sound slices me into a million pieces. Always a failure.

“Well, thanks for joining us, little bitch,” Wolf says, reaching down to pinch her nipple. Fuck. I need to get over there right now. What do I do? Try the other way around? There’s no getting past Tomb. My pulse pounds—roaring in my ears.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

“What the hell?” Trinity screams, slapping his hand away and yanking up her top. She arches her back against the table, trying with all her might to push up. Her frantic panic slams into me, pouring salt on my already festering wounds. How could I have let this happen?

“STOP,” Pirate barks, pointing the sharp tip of his dagger against her swan-like throat. She gulps, and I hold my breath, praying he won’t nick her. She stills her movements, but her eyes scan the room until they find me. Then her green gaze locks on mine, and fear shines from its glistening depths.

Pirate follows her eye line, smirking cruelly at me before bringing the tip down to slice through the top of her shirt.

“Girlie, you’re in for a world of hurt. The better you behave, the less blood I’ll spill. But scream all you want. It turns me on.” He drops the dagger and grabs her thighs, yanking her down the table to grind his erection against her core. She whimpers, a tear dropping down her cheek and splashing onto the leather cut below.

Rage unlike any I have ever known fills every cell in my body. Summoning all my strength, I leap onto the table. And hurl myself toward them with a savage cry and do the only thing I can think of.

“I claim Trinity as my Ol’ Lady,” I shout, roaring so loudly that it echoes around the room, bouncing off the walls and filling the space. Stuffing it full like a balloon about to pop.

All eyes turn to me. Some are filled with anger and hate, while others contain confusion. Our relationship is a complete secret. Or it was…

Venom would be rolling over in his grave… if his corpse wasn’t still bleeding out under the fuckin’ table.



My feet are impossibly heavy. Trudging across the table, I move forward until I’m towering over Pirate. It should be a position of power—looking down on his greasy head, loathing him from up so high.

But we all know he has the power here. He can deny my claim and do as he wants. He could shoot me or stab me. I’m nothing but a dog to him. A pet to kick, to own, to beat, and to set on his enemies.

He steps back, gesturing for me to get off the table, and I do as I’m bid, clambering down by his side before reaching for Trinity. She throws herself into my chest and presses her face into me, trembling and crying silent tears that soak through the cotton of my shirt.

Though she’s grown up around this life, Venom and I have done everything in our power to protect our sweet girl. She’s completely unprepared for what’s about to happen. But I wrap my arm around her just the same, wishing I could stop the train that I just set in motion.

But it’s the only way to save her. The only way to keep her mine.

“You know what that means, Legacy? You’ve been to enough Ol’ Lady claimings,” Pirate asks, chuckling harshly.

“Yes, Prez,” I answer, holding her tighter against me. It’s the only way.

“Prick,” he shouts, gesturing for my friend who steps forward. Prick is thin, wiry, with blue hair, and he has more piercings on his face than anyone should. Trinity shakes harder in my arms. “Go get all your shit. Time to tattoo this bitch.”

She squeaks in surprise, and I grab the nape of her neck, keeping her crushed against me and giving her a warning squeeze. She can’t fight me here. Trinity’s not gonna like what’s about to happen—but she needs to just take it. Or both of us could end up dead.

“You said I could fuck her second,” Wolf whines, pouting like a fuckin’ toddler. He’s dead the second I get him alone. My back itches, yearning for the feel of my gun against it.

“Fuck off,” I grunt at him. “Your new VP’s claiming a woman. Show some respect.”

“VP? You said if I brought her back, I would get that position!” Wolf snarls, turning to Pirate. There’s mutiny in his face, and Pirate takes offense to it immediately; backhanding him hard like the angry monster he is. Not that I feel bad for that piece of shit.

Trinity stiffens in my arms, likely wondering how I now hold her father’s rank.

The door swings open abruptly, and Prick walks back in, this time with the tattoo cart. The wheels squeak as he pushes it toward us. His lips form an angry frown, turned down. He’s one of my closest friends in the clubhouse, and I know how much pride he takes in his work, how much he loves weaving our dreams into our skin.

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