Page 26 of Untamed

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I fold my arms to match his stance. “He fired me.”

Dolly gasps, her hand clapping against her chest. “Who fired you?”

Holden jerks his gaze from my face, turning his attention to Dolly’s clutched chest. “Are you okay?”

She’s still looking at me, and I indicate her oldest brother with my eyes, using our best-friends-since-first grade telepathy.

She turns to face him, her mouth rounded into an O-shape. “Holden James Redford. You can’t fire her! What were you thinking?”

His jaw is clenched as he observes her carefully, her hands now planted on her hips. He sighs, unfolding his arms and shaking his head.

“I’m not saying she can’t be your friend anymore, but we can’t take any risks right now with?—”

“Do you want me to be hospitalized? To pass out from all the work that needs to be done around here?” she demands.

He surveys his little sister, leaning back from her as she continues.

“I got really sick, Holden. Really, really sick … six months ago.” Her voice softens with what I sense is completely fake emotion.

The demeanor in the room darkens immediately.

He interrupts her. “Why the fuck was I not?—”

“We didn’t tell you because you couldn’t do anything about it anyway … but it was bad. Rosie showed up for me. She came over daily and made me soup, cleaned up, kept this place going and me company so the guys could work. After a week straight of it, Cash, Sterling, and Duke all insisted on paying her. I got better, but we agreed that hiring Rosie was the best decision for the ranch and for my health. It’s also ten times less lonely for me. Does that matter to you at all?”

He sighs, rubbing the back of his neck and looking up at the ceiling.

“You should have told me you were sick. Cash should have told me.” The pained sound of concern in his voice squeezes my heart. There’s also a hint of anger.

This is the same dick who just tried to intimidate and fire you for no reason.

He also called you sloppy seconds.

Fuck this guy. Fuck this guy so hard.

If he wasn’t my best friend’s brother and my employer and an ex-con, I would seriously consider punching him in his smug face.

He turns to me, taking a step in my direction. I plant my feet firmly on the kitchen floor, daring him to make another stupid, sexist comment, but he doesn’t even look at me. He reaches for the cabinet next to my head, extracting two mugs. He grabs the now-full coffeepot and fills the two cups, turning around to hand one to Dolly.

“She can stay. For you, Dolls.” He kisses the top of her head before leaving the room, not even bothering to give me another glance.

Dolly’s mouth gapes after him as he retreats through the back door. I turn, reaching for my own coffee mug. My pride stings, but at least I’m still employed.

“Rosie, what did I miss?” Her voice is an intense whisper. “Did he even give you a reason?”

I shrug. I don’t want to voice the part about being labeled sloppy seconds. It was hurtful enough, and I’m not ready to talk about it.

“He was pissed off about the wet T-shirt contest. He said it was a bad look for the ranch.”

Dolly raises a brow as she walks to the fridge to get the maple-flavored creamer—our favorite. “What? A bad look? That’s insane. If anything, you brought us more business. It must be something else.”

I take the creamer when she’s done, pouring myself some and stirring it in with a spoon. “I know you love him, but he was kind of a dick to me.”

She nods, her face softening. “I’m really sorry. He’s always been … difficult, but I can tell that prison changed him. I don’t think he’s anywhere near seeing past your last name. While we’ve all been healing and growing to fully trust you, seeing that you’re not at all like your father and uncle, Holden’s been rotting in a cell. He’s been actively suffering because of what they did … and the way he dealt with it, obviously. I think he just needs time to see you how I see you, how all of us do.”

I nod, taking a deep breath and letting her words caress my bruised ego. As much as I’m reeling from his words and the fact that he’s so hell-bent on getting rid of me, I know she’s right.

“He hates me. He fucking hates me, Dolly.” I release a shaky exhale.

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