Page 14 of Untamed

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I keep my eyes locked in on the mayor’s daughter, wondering why the hell my little brother’s girlfriend is so fascinated by the sight of me getting blown.

I know Duke and she haven’t done anything sexual yet because of her father’s threats about pressing charges. Now that she’s eighteen, I figured they would’ve jumped into the hay themselves. My little brother seemed agitated and anxious about it a few weeks ago when it was almost her birthday. He was counting down the days.

I don’t make a habit of corrupting barely legal females. In fact, I prefer to hook up with women my age or older. Dolly’s friends and classmates have a weird fetish for sleeping with as many of her brothers as they can, and it seems the older the brother, the bigger the accomplishment it is to them. I’ve been fending them off for years now.

Rosie Dixon’s mouth is agape as her eyelids droop slightly with what looks an awful lot like … desire. Her generous breasts are rising and falling with deep breaths as she stands just a few feet away, gawking. My dick gets harder, and the girl moans around it, gripping the top of my thigh.

I’m about to ask Dixon if she wants to take a picture or maybe sell some damn tickets when she suddenly turns around and bolts.

I chuckle, watching her as she goes. I pull myself out of the girl’s mouth, staring down at her face. My phone buzzes in my back pocket.

“It’s okay if you forgot a condom. I don’t care.” Her tits are out, and she doesn’t look like she has any intention of redressing herself.

I stare into her eyes as I slowly pull up my Wranglers. My phone buzzes again. I pull it out, looking at the screen to see Sterling’s name.

I press the green Answer button. “Yeah?”

“Dolly’s missing. Cain Dixon’s truck is here.”

My blood turns ice cold in my veins as I stand upright. I never took my boots off, so after buttoning and zipping my jeans, I grab my rifle from where it’s leaning up against the barn wall. My pistol is on a ledge next to it. I tuck the handgun into my waistband.

“The fuck did you just say?”

“Where are you? Rosie said she can’t find her.”

So, that’s why Rosie was in here. She was looking for Dolly.

I check the safety on my gun. “I’m in the barn. Get your ass in here with a gun.”

Madi jumps up and grabs my arms. “What happened?! Where are you going? Aren’t we having sex?”

I look down at her, suddenly feeling sorry for her. “Shit’s about to get fucked up. You need to leave. Get off the ranch—now.”

I know what kind of man Cain Dixon is. I’ve saved young women from his perverted intentions before.

She claps her hand over her mouth.

I find her shirt stuck to a hay bale, tossing it toward her. “Go now. It’s for your safety.”

She pulls the shirt over her head before grabbing my face, pulling me down and kissing me on the mouth. “Call me.”

She spins around and runs out of the barn just as Sterling, Duke, and Cash walk in. They’re each holding different guns, except Duke, who’s holding a bow and arrow.

“Where was the last place you saw her? When did Cain get here?”

Sterling’s face is grim. “Rosie said Dolly got upset that she and Duke were fighting and went on a walk. When Rosie went to look for her, she couldn’t find her.”

“What the fuck does Cain have to do with it?”

Sterling clenches his jaw, looking at our other brothers’ faces before answering me. “Duke saw them talking in town the other day.”

I turn to face my younger brother, ready to crush his nasal bone if his answer doesn’t satisfy me. He juts his chin out in defiance—typical of Duke.

“It wasn’t a big deal. I drove Dolly to the store for groceries. When she came out, Cain was helping her carry shit. They were laughing, talking. Nothing was weird about it.”

I clench my fist around the butt of my shotgun. “He’s fucking twelve years older than her. His brother has it out for the ranch. You didn’t think this was relevant to mention?”

Duke is too young to have knowledge of Cain’s nefarious activities and habits. I can’t fully blame my younger brother for this, but it’s his fucking job to protect our sister too.

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