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She’s studying herself in our full-length mirror on the back of our door. Our dorm is basic and small with all our stuff divided down the middle. She has her desk under her bunk. It’s all a total wreck of clothes and books. Mine is tidy and bare in comparison. I shop in clearance bins. All her stuff is designer.

“I don’t know…I guess you’re right. He either likes me or he doesn’t, right? I’m going to have fun regardless!” she says.

“That’s the spirit,” I say halfheartedly.

I’m applying more scarlet-red lipstick and touching up my face. I throw my long hair up into a full, messy bun on my head. The shimmery body chain goes over my head, and I turn to survey myself in the mirror.

“Damn. If you weren’t already my friend, I would despise you on sight. You look incredible! All those tattoos just work for you,” Kenna observes from behind me before she dips her head toward her mirror and applies some shimmer to her eyelid. “By the way, how do you have so many if you’re only eighteen? Did your parents sign off for you to get them younger?”

I freeze as I’m slipping into my high-tops. I dread this question.

“Yeah, my, uh, foster mom’s cousin had a tattoo shop.” I’m hoping that satisfies her curiosity. I was just starting to like her—before the twenty questions.

“I mean, don’t get me wrong; I really love how they look on you. It just seems like a lot to get in, like, a year, ya know? When’s your birthday?” Kenna sprays her head with hair spray.

Why is everyone so nosy?

“Yep. It was just my thing for a while. You ready?”

The sooner we leave this room and conversation, the better I will feel.

She looks over at me and grins. “We are so hot. I love being the yin-and-yang girls! You’re Bad Barbie, and I’m Classic.”

She grabs her matching wallet wristlet, and we move out the door. Several people do a double take at us on campus in our swimsuits. I realize we should have probably worn cover-ups, but it’s too late now. People gaping at me is my existence.

We arrive at the Kappa Betas’ party just as it’s getting dark. Scantily clad students are pouring into the large yellow house.

Once inside the mansion of debauchery, Kenna grips my hand and propels me forward to get a drink. There are three guys in hot-pink swim trunks with painted Greek letters on their chests serving drinks. We get our Solo cups filled with mystery liquid and tiny, colorful umbrellas. There are beach balls being thrown around, and the song blaring on the radio says something about “feet in the water, hands in the sand.” Even though we are miles from the coast, the vibe is pretty compelling. Beautiful, nearly naked humans are surrounding us, gyrating to the beat of the music.

“Do you think they’ll come?” Kenna shouts over the noise.

I shrug, already wishing I were back at the dorm, under the covers.

A guy with gaudy yellow-striped swim trunks and an impressive six-pack struts by us, giving me an approving once-over. He swivels in our direction, a conceited smirk on his face. His wavy blond hair screams wannabe surfer.

“Damn, sugar, you must be a freshy. I know I would’ve remembered that sweet ass if I’d seen it before.” He gets close enough that I smell his overpowering cologne—an automatic throwback to every jock in high school after practice. His gaze licks over me hungrily, and I tense up. “I’ll be in serious pain for the rest of the night, looking at this body.”

His gaze resembles a hungry bear, and I’m a skinned cow, hanging in a meat locker.

“Guess I’ll save you from suffering by walking away then.” I’ve known too many bears.

I grab Kenna’s hand, jerking her toward the front porch. “Let’s get out of here.”

“Hey! What’s wrong? Kyle’s a douche, just ignore him. Let’s find Lexi,” she pleads with me when, suddenly, a bright smile touches her face.

“Hey, guys! So glad you could make it.” She’s scanning behind me, so I look back over my shoulder.

Adam is standing on the porch with the other two guys from the cafeteria, but Levi isn’t with them. I reject the tiny flutter of excitement in my belly at seeing him here. They’re dressed in ripped-up jeans and faded T-shirts, looking uncertain about entering the house. Kenna walks over to them, her body swaying. I see the dark blonde guy’s eyes widen as she approaches.

“Are y’all coming in? Where’s Levi?”

She looks behind them into the darkened street, searching for Clark Kent’s twin. I trail out onto the porch, a chill in the air touching my skin. Goose bumps prick my arms, and I hug them to my bare stomach.

Adam clears his throat and speaks, gaze trained at the top of my head, “He, uh, couldn’t make it. I’m sorry, he’s not big on gatherings.” He gestures at the other guys. “This is my brother, Daniel, and this is our suite mate, Silas. I hope it’s okay that I brought them instead.”

Daniel is clearly related to Adam, just a fraction shorter with darker hair. His eyes are trained on the interior of the party, ready to go in. He’s chomping at the bit. Silas is big and handsome, just like the others. He screams athlete with pale green eyes and wavy sandy-blond hair. They all have suntanned skin.

Daniel smiles at Kenna, reaching out his hand. His blue eyes are bright with excitement. He’s the shortest of the trio, but he still reaches at least six one.

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