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Someone who’s found me.

“Hello, beautiful.” His face curves into a sly grin as his gaze leers over my form. He licks his lips. “Been looking for you, baby.”

“Lenny,” I say, opening the door and letting him in.

I pray Adam doesn’t stop by.



I decide to walk to her dorm. I’m incapable of looking at my phone without staring at the picture my brain has already memorized.

My nerves are shot. Harley has no idea how badly I want her, how I’ve been picturing it for over an hour. In reality, if I’m honest with myself, I’ve been picturing it with her since the first time we met. Each subsequent interaction has only given me more material to add to the perverted recesses of my mind.

I’ve never been with a girl, and I know she has experience. It’s only normal for me to feel inadequate about it—I hope. I don’t love that she’s been with other guys, but it doesn’t make me see her as any less desirable. What makes her beautiful and perfect and her has nothing to do with her past experiences.

As expected, a girl lets me into the dorm as I approach. I’m tempted to tell her it’s a terrible idea for them to just allow any man who wants inside to walk in here. Why even have a lock on the door? Maybe she’s seen me around campus and knows Harley and I are…friends.

On the elevator, the girl keeps smiling at me and playing with her hair. The women at Ole Tex are all really nice, much nicer than the guys.

I walk down the hall, hearing raised voices. It’s a man’s voice, and I get concerned for whoever he’s screaming at.

Then, I’m in front of the door with the number thirty-four, and I realize the shouting is coming from behind it. My heart rate accelerates as my entire body tenses. I don’t bother knocking, barging through it.

Harley is sitting on the bed in a tight ball, knees pulled to her chest. She looks surprisingly younger than usual, almost like a child.

A middle-aged man is standing over her bed, and he turns to face me as the door bursts open.

“Who the fuck is this?” he spits at me.

His dark eyes are wide, the whites standing out. He’s wearing a black suit that looks cheaply made.

“Who the fuck are you?” It’s the first time the F-word has passed my lips, but I don’t stop to think about it.

His mouth forms a sinister grin as he runs a hand over his stringy hair.

“I’m Lenny, her agent. You’re interrupting a meeting with my client. We’ll be finished soon,” he says, dismissing me and turning back to her.

She’s looking up at me with wide blue eyes, her lip trembling. Anger rises inside me, my fists clenching.

“Leave. Now,” I grit out through my clenched teeth.

He laughs, facing me more fully.

“Who exactly are you? This isn’t some game, pretty boy. She’s a great actress. Has she told you about her contract? The one she breached?” he asks, his face turning to stone.

“I don’t care about whatever it is. Get out. Now.” I take a step toward him, my worn cowboy boots toe to toe with his leather dress shoes.

I stand at least five inches taller than him, and I stare down into his black eyes. My mouth forms into a hard line, chest puffed out.

After a few tense moments, he begins to laugh out loud, his shirt pulling against the belly hanging over his waistband. “Ah shit, Harley, got this one all wound up about you, eh? All right, well, I’ll be back, sweetheart, so we can discuss business without this little Chihuahua nipping at me.”

He grabs a gray fedora off of the desk, placing it on his head sideways. “You know, we could try to work something out where Victoria won’t be getting a cut. Better for you, baby.”

He licks his lips, looking over me one last time before quietly walking out and shutting the door. My blood is boiling, and I’m on the verge of following him out to make sure he leaves when Harley makes a sobbing sound.

She’s buried her face in her hands, collapsing sideways on the bed. I sit down next to her, completely unsure of how to help or comfort her. My heart rate is steadily returning to normal, but I still feel the rush of adrenaline in my veins.

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