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“Shit.” I look around.

Everyone else seems to be chatty and not at all concerned about how late they’ll be to their first class. Ordinarily, I wouldn’t be either, but I actually am interested in learning what will be taught in this one.

“Oh, I think Shaun is working! Let me go see if he can get us a few cups on the fly.”

My roommate disappears, and I hold our place in line. If Blondie can pull this off, I vow to remember her name.

Only a minute later, to my surprise, she rejoins me with two steaming paper cups. She even has little packets of sugar and creamer pods.

“Damn, girl, you’ve just proven yourself worthy of keeping around.” I accept the java gift, and we rush off.

“This is my building. See you at twelve thirty for lunch in the caf?” she says as she turns to stride up the red brick steps.

“Sure.” I guess I owe her for the coffee stunt, and it isn’t so bad, hanging with Blondie since she’s one of those girls who likes to hear the sound of her own voice.

I’m still a little late to class, but I slide into a seat up front and proceed to dress up my drink as the professor is making his introduction. He’s an adorable little man with suspenders and a bow tie, a scratchy-looking gray beard, and thick, round glasses. The top of his bald head shines in the fluorescent lights. The class isn’t too overly packed, which I’m thankful for. He begins, and I zone in. I handwrite as many of his words as I possibly can.

As his lecture wraps up, I pack up my notebook and pens. Most of the students have laptops, but I can’t afford one yet. My goal is to make enough at the bar for a refurbished one. I’m eternally grateful for the rich scums who deposit theirs every time a new model is released.

I finally make my way out of the row, one of the last ones. I see ahead of me someone tossing a throwaway cup toward the trash can at the door and missing. The jerk just keeps walking.

A tall, broad-shouldered guy with buzzed sandy-blond hair a few people in front of me bends over and picks it up. It draws my attention, and I notice he’s wearing a green plaid shirt, worn-out jeans, and boots. His clothes don’t stand out too much, considering this is Texas, but the jeans look like they are actually worn, not bought brand-new with holes pre-scratched into them. It reminds me of the modern-day Little House on the Prairie family I saw on the campus tour yesterday.

I head to my next class.

I survive until lunch on just the coffee, but by the time twelve thirty rolls around, I’m starving. It’s a feeling I’m accustomed to but don’t enjoy.

Once I’m inside the cafeteria, spotting the head of my roommate is easy. She stands out like a buoy.

I get in line for a salad and see that Plaid Shirt is a few people behind me. He’s nailed down that sexy Southern-boy vibe, broad shoulders and head held high. The short buzz cut works for him, revealing his immaculate bone structure.

I realize he’s looking at me, but when I meet his gaze, he rips his stare away and tinges a deep pink. I smirk and turn back around to make my salad.

Why is he so embarrassed? I know I stand out. Not many college freshmen have as many tattoos as I do, especially in Texas. I used to be bothered by it, but the continual stares are just par for the course at this point.

“Harley! Over here!” My roommate is about as outspoken and attention-seeking as they come.

I march toward her, drop my tray, then head for the drink station.

“Hey, grab me a sweet tea, please!”

I roll my eyes. Could she be any more predictable?

I get her sweet tea and my Fanta, returning to the table. I sit and toss my salad, taking a bite of the brownie I picked up for my appetizer.

“Thanks, babe. This is Raelynn, Maya, and Riley.” My roommate makes the introductions.

I glance up and nod a hello at the group of girls.

Giant eyes and agape mouths greet me.

The redhead recovers quickly and speaks first. “Wow, I am obsessed with your look. You’re like the hot, scary Barbie. I bet guys go nuts over your vibe.”

She isn’t wrong.

“Thanks,” is all I say. I shove a forkful of lettuce into my mouth to avoid having to talk to them.

The dark blonde pipes up next, “Why do you have so many tattoos? I mean, do your parents not care?”

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