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“Now, my family is coming here for Family Weekend, and Dan’s talking…mess about it. Baiting me to introduce her to our parents, knowing what they’ll think. I don’t see her as something I have to keep secret, but at the same time, I know what they’ll say if I bring her around.” I sigh in defeat, dropping down to sit in my desk chair. “I don’t want her to get hurt, but it seems like either way…she’ll be the one who’s rejected. Either by me or them. I don’t see a way to avoid it.”

My eyes plead with them to help me, but they both look shocked, eyebrows raised.

They glance at each other, then back down at me.

“Uh, well, we had no idea you…were this serious with her. I mean, we kinda thought you liked her, but…I didn’t know you actually wanted to be with her,” Silas responds, scratching his chin. “She is gorgeous though.”

My blood heats at his last statement, and I send him a warning glare. He bursts out laughing.

I try to make them get it. “It’s not about her being gorgeous. It’s…she’s different…” I trail off, unable to explain what I’m feeling.

We were all taught the same thing, growing up. To find a good, pure woman to marry and start a family with her. Girls in our church were told to hold on to their virtue. It’s the gift they offer up to their husbands on the wedding night. Of course, us boys were taught to respect women and treat their bodies like temples of the Lord.

Where does that leave a girl like Harley? I don’t see her as less valuable than any other girl, but I know my parents wouldn’t want me to be with someone who isn’t pure.

Levi speaks up, “Yeah…if you really like her and you think she isn’t…bad news”—he means a whore—“then I think you should go for it. Introduce her to your family and give them a chance. They could surprise you. They’re great people. Maybe they’ll see her like you have. A bad past, wanting to do better in the future.” He finishes his speech with a reassuring nod.

I contemplate his words for a minute before replying, “Are y’all sure…you really think I should introduce her to my family? This weekend?”

I’m doubtful, but a glimmer of hope has flamed up inside my chest. Maybe they’re right. Maybe my family will want to meet her. They could dismiss the tattoos and provocative clothing, seeing what’s truly underneath, like I have.

Levi and Silas look at each other and back at me.

“Yeah, man, really. If you’re serious about her, the sooner, the better. Your family is one of the best I know,” Silas says. He smiles, clapping my shoulder.

“You should, uh, see Dan’s face,” Levi mumbles. He tries to cover a grin with his hand.

I groan, “Ugh, is it that bad? I still think he deserved it.” My voice is full of conviction.

They both laugh.

“Yeah, he did, but now, you have to explain that and Harley to your parents,” Silas says with a smirk.



“I promised myself that when I moved here, I would only go to Crumble once a month. You have to hold me accountable. I refuse to gain the freshman fifteen,” Kenna states as we wait in a ridiculously long line on the sidewalk.

“What’s so special about these cookies that we have to wait in line for them?”

The dingy sidewalk is filled with customers like us, all waiting our turn to go inside the tiny bakery in the downtown area of Greencity.

“You will see for yourself soon, and then you’ll understand the once-a-month rule.” We shuffle forward a fraction of a step. “So, did anything exciting happen while I was gone?” Kenna asks, tapping on her phone with sharp baby-pink acrylic nails.

“Adam stayed over last night,” I confess, running my chipped, short nails through my tangled hair.

Her eyes widen as she looks up at me. “What?! We’ve been together the last two hours, and you’re just now mentioning this?” She clicks her phone shut and shoves it in her crossbody purse. “Tell me everything! How many bases?” She grins, lifting her brows suggestively.

“We just…made out a little, but he was…damn good at it. He wants to take me to dinner,” I admit, lowering my eyes.

It still seems surreal that he wants to take me out on a real date.

“Aww, that’s so sweet. I was hoping for second base, but I guess this is better. He seems like the type to wine and dine a girl. So, do you, like, think y’all might start dating?” She tilts her head to the side, watching me.

I shrug. “I don’t know. He keeps saying all this stuff about wanting to respect me and doing things right. Which I never thought would actually happen to me. I don’t really know how I feel about it.”

It’s sad but true. Girls like me don’t get special attention from nice guys, apart from the sexually motivated kind.

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