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She turns her head toward me fully. “You seem…too good to be true,” she whispers.

Our bodies are flush together, and I’m worried she can feel how much I want her through my jeans.

“What can I do to make up for not taking you to the plant nursery? I was ignorant and horrible, and I’m so sorry. I hope you can forgi—”

She butts in, pressing a finger to my lips, “Please don’t. You had a right to be angry. You didn’t know. I’m sorry you felt so…betrayed.” She smiles faintly. “But next time, just ask me, please.” She grabs the ladder again.

“I hope there’s never a next time,” I say. “It would be bad for Kyle’s health if there were a next time.”

She laughs, her beautiful, melodic voice drifting out into the night.

My eyes focus on her pink lips. She instantly quiets, the silence of the night keeping any distractions from the moment. I wet my lips, so ready to taste her that I could burst with desire. She tilts her head to the side, our faces only centimeters apart because of my place on the ladder. Her eyes close, and I know it’s an invitation. As I edge closer, our breath mingles before I finally put my lips against hers.

Our first kiss is my first ever, and she’s so much softer than I anticipated. I risk my life by letting go of the ladder with one hand to reach around and grab the back of her neck. My fingers splay over her. The taste of her mouth is sweeter than homemade syrup. I move my lips gradually over hers, setting the pace torturously slow because I want to savor every drop of her.

She makes a soft moaning sound, and my natural instinct is to press further into her, intensifying the kiss with my own animalistic groan. Her tongue is petting over the seam of my lips. I part them slightly, and she slips it inside my mouth. My response is a primal need to know her in every way.

The gravity of my desire terrifies me, and I break off from her suddenly. My hand grips the bar again as I heave in gulps of the night air. My head is spinning, my mind in a fog. Her lips are close to my ear, and I hear that she’s almost as out of breath as I am.

As I pull back to gaze into her blue eyes, the look she’s giving me is disbelief.

“I thought you weren’t…experienced?” She’s still a little out of breath.

I smile at her question. “Oh yeah, what makes you say that?” The satisfaction in my voice is impossible to mask.

She chuckles, placing a delicate hand on my chest.

“You kiss like you know exactly what you’re doing.” She sighs indulgently, peering up at me with fluttering lashes.

My ego is rivaling the size of Texas right about now.



Adam is sitting in a booth at Billy’s Pub. Every time he looks at me, a stupid, ridiculous grin breaks out across my face. His does the same, and then his eyes change, burning over me before guiltily looking away. I’m overheating in my skin-baring uniform.

“Where did the Hanes model come from?” Sal asks me, smirking.

“He, uh, we’re friends.” Even I don’t believe it anymore.

“Ahh, yeah, I had a friend like that once. Not as pretty as him though,” she muses.

It’s a slow Monday night, and we only have a few regulars to serve besides Adam and Dan. They brought books to study, and they both ordered root beer. I know Adam is twenty-one, but I’ve never seen him drink.

“Well, you might as well go talk to him. He’s about to stare a hole clean through this bar. I’ll holler if I need ya.” She’s smiling and shaking her head.

I’ve been forcing myself to stay back here and work, but now that I have the green light, I have to keep my speed walk from turning into a run. His face brightens as I approach, and I suddenly feel shy.

“Hi,” I squeak, standing at the edge of the booth.

I feel like I’m in high school and I just got asked to prom by the football captain.

He leans toward me, trying to conceal his grin. “Hi,” he breathes, eyes immediately training on my lips.

My mouth is cherry red tonight. Without a doubt, he wants to taste it, just like I hoped. Heat is crawling up my chest and neck, and I notice that he is just as flushed.

Dan clears his throat, and our trance is broken.

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