Page 65 of I Fing Dare You

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Except him.

He plunges into me in one deep thrust, filling me so completely. “Fuck. You’re so fucking tight, Nadia.”

Only because he’s so fucking big. His hips move back and slam back home, making me yelp in surprise and delight. And again. And again, faster, deeper. I get hotter, tighter, each of my nerves painfully aware of him. I don’t think sex could possibly get any better when he moves my legs again, pushing them back against the seat. He has to climb on top of me to fuck me from above, his cock plunging straight up and down. The new angle is too fucking much. He’s hitting a part of me that burns like a furnace each time he moves.

His thumb presses on my clit, then rubs it. “I’m so, so close, doll. You have to come with me.”

I cry. I can’t form words or thoughts or any sound other than an overwhelmed sob.

Jason’s faster, each move bleeding into the next, and my hips move to meet him, my body instinctively knowing just what both of us need. This time, I see the cliff. I see the edge of the precipice.

I fall.

He remains on top of me as his hotness pours inside me just as I clench around him. Both of us are panting hard, his mouth close to mine. He kisses me, dropping on top of me.

I don’t know how long we stay there, just breathing. Justbeing.

Then I playfully smack his ridiculously muscular arm. “You came inside me, idiot!”

He chuckles over me. “Was I supposed to do it on your dress? Your face? Let me know for future reference.”

“If I ever let you back in my pussy after that.”

He snorts. “Please. It’s basically my pussy.”

The fucking balls on this guy. I wiggle underneath him. “You’re crushing me.”

“Well, it’s not my fault if you like it.”

I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so playful. So free.

Now I’m painfully aware of where we are, and the fact that we’re most definitely not the only ones thus occupied right now.

“I should check on my friends.”

Jason straightens up over me and I sit up, arranging my clothes back where they should be. I doubt I’m presentable. I feel wetness between my legs and sweat all over me. I lost my witch's hat on the floor, and I dread to think what make up looks like.

“Naturally,” he replies smoothly, though I see his expression change a little. It’s resumed some of its coldness now that I've reminded him the real world exists.


Jason’s the picture of polite gentility when I take him downstairs. He buys my crew a round and gets to know them. He’s happy to admit he was a bit of a dick to me—understatement—and when Gabriella threatens him if he does it again, he lets her.

He’s also not himself—this is the Jason pretending to be Mercutio in Lit class. Not mine.

Before we part ways, he extracts a promise from me to get back to school by Sunday night, and I give it. I usually arrive Monday morning, but I’m happy to see him faster.

Tonight has opened a door for us. It answered some questions and created a thousand more. I still don’t know what I think about his…alternative life, I guess?

I know I want him. For now, that’s enough.

I don’t know how to speak to Mom that Saturday. I can barely look at her without blushing. She notices, and she does exactly the same.

Before I leave Sunday afternoon, she tells me, “You and I have to talk soon. Not yet, but soon, yes?”

I nod, getting into Hulk.

I’m not sure why Jason was so insistent about getting me to attend his Glass party tonight, but I’m looking forward to seeing him.

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