Page 3 of I Fing Dare You

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The situation couldn’t be any worse.

Judith’s a friend. Sort of. We were assigned as lab partners last year. A chatterbox with an easy smile and an easier laugh, she didn’t sign up for the elitist bullshit everyone else seems to drink for breakfast. Besides, she’s the reason I ended up with straight As in science for the first time in my life.

My stomach churns. As I approach the group, I can barely make out Rowan's words, but I hear enough that it sounds threatening. It looks threatening, too, as he leans forward, caging Judith in with his arms. She presses against the lockers, expression twisted in fear as she shakes her head, as if willing her reality away. Her short bob fans out from around her face, the blonde strands covering her mouth.

My hand steadily holds the phone, capturing every moment of this. I can’t deny I’m surprised.

They might rule this place but those four aren’t the kind to get their hands dirty; I’ve never seen them trip, insult, or throw slurs at anyone. Why are they doing this? What is it all about?

And Judith is one of them, a legacy. She lives in Glass, and her parents are all members of the esteemed Heritage Club in the city. I'm not involved with any of the cliques here, but I still know what goes on around most of the school. I hadn't thought there were many secrets, because gossip runs rampant, but there's definitely something going on here.

I glance up and down the stairs. No one else is around. They clearly picked this spot intentionally for…for whatever this is.

My eyes seek out Jason. I always see Jason first. He’s leaning back against the opposite wall like a king overseeing his knights’ work. His tousled blond hair contrasts with the darkness of his gray eyes, sharp as the edge of a knife. His lips are full, and when he licks them, I want to look away. I don’t. I need to take all of this in, if only to end my fascination with him right here and now. He’s clearly an asshole.

Rowan’s done, but now Cain’s talking to Judith. His voice is a little louder.

“Jude, Jude, Jude. You know better than to mess up in M.E. You’re going to have to pay. I don’t care if you have to spread your legs to every cock in the club next time.”

Her eyes widen; she’s even more terrified. “Please, Cain.”

There is no pity in his dark eyes. Cain Warren is supposed to be a tech genius—he’s already launched apps that presumably made him rich in his own right—but if that doesn’t work out for him and the endless pool of money his family swims in runs out, he could make a career out of his pretty face one way or another. Before today, I would have paid good money to see him on the big screen. Just him, preferably shirtless. He doesn’t even have to say anything. His brown wavy hair always falls forward across his forehead, just begging to be brushed back.

Now all pretense of civilization has been stripped. He's a brute.

Rowan smiles like the whole scene amuses him. Bastard.

Maverick, at least, seems to hesitate. “We get it. You were having a little too much fun. It didn’t hit you at the time that you might have crossed a line.” His fist moves to rest on the locker right next to her head. “But you did. It’s going to cost us, which means that it’ll cost you.”

“I’m sorry, please…”

Something inside me snaps, and before I can stop myself, I walk forward, quickly closing the distance between us.

“Leave her alone,” I demand, my voice not shaking one bit, even though my knees are. I hold my phone up to Maverick’s face. “I got all that on camera. Oh, and my shit uploads online instantly, so you can’t take the phone. Let her go right now or it’s going straight to Mr. Bones.”


My courageous little speech sounded like a good idea in my head. As their four pairs of eyes—as well Judith’s stunned gaze—turn to me, my small phone feels like a paper shield. Only useful in make-believe fights against the imaginary dragons in my head. Those four boys are real, and really fucking pissed.

I stand there like a moron, shocked at my own audacity. Judith’s frozen, like me. We’re both prey among predators. I don’t know what they’re going to do next, but I don’t want to be there for it.

I take a step back, still clinging to my bravado, before it leaves my system. “Let her go, don’t bother her again, and I’ll delete the video. Otherwise, I’ll send it.” The word vomit can’t stop coming out of my mouth, although I’m starting to get the feeling that I’m making things worse and worse for myself.

Repeating my threat, I walk back to the stairs, forcing myself not to run. Like I need to look any more like prey.

Finally, Cain laughs. Rowan and Maverick do the same, but Jason? He continues to stare at me, unreadable.

Judith is the first to speak. “Nadia, it’s all right.” She attempts the most pitiful semblance of a smile. “Nothing’s going on. You can go.”

I gape at her, so confused that I’m rendered mute. She’s…taking their side?

“It’s not what it looks like,” she adds.

My cheeks feel so hot. “No?” I press, a frown between my brows. “Because it looks like you’re getting bullied.”

Jason smiles.

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