Page 7 of Little Fox

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Using the rounded tip of the hilt, I circled her clit. “Do you want to please me, little fox?”

She bit down on her lower lip as she panted. “Yes. Always.”

Fuck, yeah. She was so beautiful when she wasn’t in control. So vulnerable. When her pussy was aching with need. “Are you going to be a good girl and surrender to us?” I dragged the hilt down her slit.

She nodded. “Yes. I belong to you.”

I handed the knife to Grim. “Get this nice and wet for me.” He squeezed my hand as he took it from me. Without breaking my gaze, he took the hilt in his mouth and sucked, coating it with his saliva.

Bailey moaned as she watched.

“I need a better view.” Poe secured the end of the rope to the table leg before stalking over to the other end. “And I want to suck that hilt after.”

I nodded and held up the large knife so Bailey could get a good look at it. “Do you like it, little fox?” The top was a rounded steel ball, and the base was wrapped in thick coarse leather.

“It’s beautiful,” she whimpered.

Poe and Grim each stroked one of her thighs.

“It wants to play with you.” Seeing her tied up and spread out was making me feral.

Her belly quivered. “Oh, fuck.”

I peeled back one of her pussy lips using the hilt, the act instantly making my dick throb. Slowly, I dragged it back to the middle and did the same to the other side. It was sinful and erotic and filthy as fuck. The way she inched her hips forward, readying herself to receive it like the good little girl she was, made my dick so hard I was going to need to cum multiple times before I’d be able to walk straight again.

Grim grunted next to me, clearly having the same problem stirring in his own pants. “Put it in. I want to see her stretch around it.”

She was panting, her chest heaving at the sound of his words.

“Let me make sure she’s nice and wet first,” Poe rasped. He slid a thick finger down the opening of her cunt, the flesh already pink and swollen.

Her breath hitched as she wiggled her ass against the table.

“Mmm, so wet.” Poe’s mouth watered as he stroked her, sliding his finger up, down, side to side, and back up to her clit. He drew slow circles with his thumb as she writhed and moaned.

“Let’s go,” Grim growled again. “Put the knife in her fucking pussy.”

“Easy now. I’m just savoring our little fox,” I rasped.

Grim was not known for his patience. He wanted everything at the snap of his fingers. He groaned and started forward, but I held him off. “All right, Grim. Relax and watch.”

Bailey flinched as I pressed the cold tip of the hilt against her clit. “Oh, fuck,” she panted.

“Shhh, relax.” I dragged it down her slit, my hunger growing as I pushed the round steel tip inside her sopping wet pussy.

As she bucked her hips, Grim and Poe each placed a firm hand on her thighs, holding her in place. She lifted her head and locked eyes with me as I held it still, her breath quickening.

I got off on teasing her. Taunting her. The way her body shook as I slowly began to twist it farther inside her, made me feel feral.

Poe dug his fingers into her thigh, his eyes glued to her cunt. “Do you like that, little fox? You like when Daddy Saint fucks you with his toys?”

She moaned louder. “Yes.”

I peeled the folds of her pussy back with my other hand and edged the hilt in deeper. “Oh, baby. You are so fucking tight. Relax.”

Grim bent down and pressed his tongue against her clit. She screamed as he licked in quick rough strokes. She spread her legs wider, welcoming every depraved act thrust upon her like a good fucking girl. Our good fucking girl.

“There we go. Fuck. Now I can slide in deeper.” I placed a hand on her belly and pushed the full length of the hilt inside her.
