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“We’ll talk tomorrow after I’m past the hangover. Can you tell Mama and Papa that I’m doing okay right now and keeping busy practicing for the next competition?”

“Sure. How much do I get paid for lying?”

“Bitch, please. You love lying.”

“I love getting paid more.” I can imagine her smiling like a little psycho. “How about you tell me Remi’s schedule for the week and we call it even?”

“Ari…you’re my baby sister and I love you, but you need to take a hint when a man isn’t interested in you and move on.”

“Didn’t stop you when you were falling into a puddle at Eli’s uninterested feet.”

I touch my hair and clear my throat. “And I got over him and then some. In fact, I hate He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named.”

“As you should, sis.”

“Maybe you can do the same?”

“Nah. Eli is unfeeling and has no trace of any human emotions in him. My Remi is different. He’s lovable, a gentleman, and every woman’s dream man. He just needs a little push to see the love of his life. Aka me.”

I smile despite myself. “You’re not going to give up, are you?”

“Only after my ring is on his finger.”

“Jesus. You’re thinking of marriage at eighteen?”

“I’ve loved him since I was eleven. That’s seven years too late, if you ask me.”

“Oh Lord.”

“Back to the topic at hand, are you going to get me that schedule, Ava?”


“Is this really worth losing my support when Mama and Papa grill you for actual answers? Think very carefully, sis.”

“Ugh, you’re a little bitch.”

“I take after my beautiful bitch of a sister. Muah ha ha.”

I’m about to call her a few colorful names when I hear the door clicking open behind me. “Give me a sec, Ollie…”

My words trail off when I face the door and get instantly trapped in the depths of those eyes.

Cold. Indifferent. Stormy.

I swallow hard, not caring if my sister hears it. “I’ll talk to you later.”

“Only if you have that schedule for me. Byee.”

She hangs up and the sudden click nearly makes me jump in my skin. Though it has nothing to do with Ari and everything to do with the man whose height and broadness block the entire exit.

I straighten, forcing my shoulders back, but it’s categorically impossible to make them relax.

“To what do I owe this displeasure?”

I’m proud of how bored my voice sounds. It took a lot of practice to sound as cold and indifferent as he is.

Eli shoves himself off the door, and even though he no longer blocks my exit, his presence overwhelms my senses in a fraction of a second.

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