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I nod back and then stroll inside my office. The space is a bit smaller than the one at King Enterprises, but it’s an identical copy in everything else.

Same decor, the same sofa, the same coffee table, and the exact same books.

After I kick the door closed, I throw my wife on the sofa.

She bounces right back up, her face red and her nostrils flaring.

I ignore her and go to settle behind my desk. “Give me thirty minutes to salvage the mess you caused before I take you home.”

“How…” She storms in my direction and stops in front of my desk, and although I’m not looking at her, I can sense the flames erupting from her with the rage of an active volcano. “Howdareyou humiliate me in front of everyone?”

“I wouldn’t call it humiliation, considering you’re my wife, but even if it were, it’s not my fault that you picked the wrong choice.”

“You…you…you caveman!”

“That insult was extremely anticlimactic after all the stuttering. Surely, you could’ve come up with something better.” I skim over the notes Henderson sent. “Now be quiet so I can focus.”

“I only came here to return this.” She slams a pill on the desk and glares at me. “Next time, don’t delegate your dirty work toSam and have the balls to look me in the eye when you give it to me.”

I grab the pill and then place it in her hand again, all the while staring her in the fucking face.

“There. Are we done?”

Her chin trembles. “You bastard…you…damn Tin Man! You don’t get to tell me what to do with my body. Whether I take Plan B or contraceptives is only up to me. Do you think you have a say in it?”

“No, which is why I gave you the fucking choice, Ava. You think I don’t want to pump you full of my cum, put a dozen children in you, and tie you to me for life? Because I very much do. But we both know you arenotready for that, so I gave you the option. I didn’t force you to take the pill, I only put it on the table in case you want it.”

“Do you want me to take it?” Her voice has lost some of its fire, but it’s still as antagonizing as her entire existence.

“I will offer no say in the matter.”

“But I want to hear your thoughts.”

“You won’t.” Because I do want to fucking tie her to me and offer her no way out.

I hadn’t thought much about it before, but after last night, blind possessiveness has been rushing in my ears and constricting my chest.

There’s no way in fuck I’ll let another man touch her after I putmymark on her. She still has a faint hickey on her neck despite the obnoxious amount of makeup she used to hide it and I’ll make sure that never disappears.

So she’s always stamped with evidence ofmyownership.

A kid—or a few—would make her mine for good. Though there are two pesky inconveniences. One, I genuinely dislike kids. They’re messy and illogical—my least favoritecharacteristics. Two, I’d be forced to share their mother with them.

I’m ready to overlook both. Barely. My dad loathes kids more than I do, but he loves me and Creigh, so I choose to believe I will at least tolerate my own kids. I might even like them if they look anything like their mum.

But even I, and my optimistic plans, know that making Ava pregnant in her current state isn’t only reckless, but it could be catastrophic.

She’s not stable,yet, and a child might wreck all my progress and spill it down the drain.

Last night, I knew she was pretending to be asleep the entire time, which is why I shook my head at Sam so she wouldn’t accidentally reveal anything. After I put Ava to bed and she fell asleep, she woke up half an hour later and walked all over the house before I carried her back to bed and stayed with her until she went under again.

Then I showered, changed, and went to work.

I’m operating on no sleep and I choose to believe that’s the reason why I’m particularly irritable today.

Fine, it’s because she paraded herself around with virtually no clothes on.

“So you really wouldn’t mind either way?” she asks with a note of expectation.

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