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“What’s up, Ava Dahlia King?” she asks with visible annoyance.

“You think this is funny?”

“Nope. I thought we were calling each other by our middle names.”

Remi has the decency to appear a bit ruffled and even gives me an apologetic look. “It’s not what it looks like.”

“It’sexactlywhat it looks like.” Ari slides her arm around his and leans her head against his bicep. “We’re getting married in maybe six months.”

“No, we’re not.” He gently pushes her away.

“He’ll come around.” She continues smiling at him like an idiot, then gives me an exasperated glance. “He’d come around sooner if you hadn’t interrupted. Thanks for nothing, sis.”

“So it’smyfault?”


“I can’t believe this.” I catch her by the ear. “Shouldn’t you be at uni?”

“I have two hours free.”

“And you chose to spend them here?”

“I do that every day. Let me go.”

She manages to release herself while I’m distracted with glaring at Remi.

“Don’t look at me. I never encouraged her.”

“Your tongue down my throat certainly did,” my sister says with glee.

“Ari!” I shout.

“Ariella,” Remi scolds at the same time.

“Don’t care. I’m going now. Try not to miss me too much, I’ll text later.” She attacks Remi in a hug before he can dodge it, then she kisses my cheek once and whispers, “Don’t pussy-block me again. That’s totally against the girl honor code.”

Then she saunters outside, humming a happy tune and probably planning to broadcast what just happened to the entire world.

“What the hell did I get myself into?” Remi plops on the sofa after she disappears.

“One word.” I join him. “Trouble.”

He stares at the now-closed door. Remi is classically handsome. Straight, high nose, slightly curly brown hair, whiskey-colored eyes, and sharp, unforgettable features. A European prince through and through. He literally has aristocratic French and English blood, as he likes to remind us.

A heavy sigh rushes out of him. “Is there a chance she’ll give up?”

“Not when you encouraged her. Besides, seeing as she’s had a major crush on you since she was thirteen, I don’t believe giving up is on the menu.”

“Sort of like you, huh?” he jokes.

“Yeah, well, if you break her heart, you’ll have me to answer to.”

He smiles with no apparent humor, then seems to sober up. “What brings you here?”

“Your company?”

He finally notices my outfit and his brows shoot up to his hairline. “Does that include my funeral? Because if Eli sees you dressed like this beside me, he’ll have my head.”

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