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He’s too warm for a cold bastard.

“Go home, Ava.”

“Since when do you get to tell me what to do?”

“Since you’re clearly unable to think. Don’t take anyone home. Don’t drive. Take a black cab and leave.”

“Aw, you’re not going to offer to drive me yourself?”

He raises a perfect brow. “Would you take said offer?”


“So what’s the point of making it?”

“Indulging me, perhaps?”

“You’re far too indulged by others. I don’t plan on making the list.”

“You won’t make any list, for that matter.”

“Debatable.” He steps closer, his body heat enveloping me like a dark, threatening cloud as his rough voice deepens. “Now, leave.”

“The answer is no.”

“Out of spite?”

“You’re not my keeper.”

“Let’s go with that if it makes you sleep better at night.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“Go home,” he says again and then turns to leave. When he reaches the door, he throws me a dark look over his shoulder. “Alone.”

I resist the urge to flip him the middle finger as I stand there fuming, my body warm and my heart thumping so loudly, I’m surprised it doesn’t spill on the ugly carpet in the room.

My state is so extremely disoriented that I have to take some time to pull myself together again.

Ten minutes later, I find my way back to the dance floor. Screw Eli and his orders that definitely won’t be met.

I let myself be absorbed by a swirling vortex of ecstasy, a concoction of substances, and emotions that transport me to a realm of hedonistic bliss. Amidst the lost souls and hollow shells,I find solace and acceptance, a sense of belonging that makes everything else fade into the background.

So I drink another shot, dance until I nearly drop, then I agree to join Ollie and some others at an after-party.

Fuck Eli.

Fuck the cello.

Fuck my fucking head.

By the time we spill outside, it’s somewhere after one in the morning.

I shouldn’t be driving, but our friend Raj’s house is, like, ten minutes away, and the roads are empty at this time, so I should be fine.

Besides, I hold my liquor pretty well, so I’m not even that drunk. Just drunk enough to see the world through pink goggles, like my favorite color.

I stumble into my car and tell the others to go ahead. Ollie offers to drive me, but I decline with a smile.

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