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I glance over my shoulder, and, yup, the edge of my lace underwear is visible all right.

My cheeks heat but I shrug. “Didn’t realize we’re entertaining the king. I’m on my own, relax.”

“And if a staff member walked in?”

“Then they’d have something fun to remember me by.”

I twirl the fluffy strands of candy floss around my fingers, bringing them to my mouth and sensually sucking on them. The sugar explodes on my tongue, but it's not just the sweetness that sends a rush of endorphins through me.

His eyes darken to a molten gray as they zero in on my hand.

I’m aware this is a dangerous strategy when I also want him, but I have to disarm him somehow. And if seduction is the only way, then I'll gladly play the game.

When I trace my tongue around my middle and index fingers suggestively, his nostrils flare and his jaw tenses. I take it further, deep-throating my fingers and sucking and licking them with fervor, mimicking what I did to him just the other day.

Although he remains still, I can feel his desire simmering beneath the smooth façcade like a fire waiting to ignite. As he casually touches his watch, I think I sense his restraint slipping away, but then he remains still.

It's frustrating how he doesn't show anything on the surface.

Like a damn psycho.

Feeling like I won’t get what I want, I slide my fingers out with a pop. “If you’re done brooding, I have a very important scene to get back to?—”

One moment I’m lying there, and the next, strong hands are wrapped around my ankles. I yelp as I’m flipped over, my legs parted, and Eli slams both his hands on either side of my head.

He looms over me, his body dangerously close to mine, and I struggle to catch my breath. The air around us crackles with a charged intensity, every nerve in my body on edge. His scent fills my senses, overwhelming me with its intoxicating familiarity and drawing me in further. It's as if we’re two magnets, irresistibly pulled together by an invisible force.

“In that case, dear wife, it’s betterwegive them something fun to remember usby.”

And then his lips crash to mine.



Aburst of white stars explodes behind my eyelids as demanding, harsh lips claim mine in an abandon of fiery passion.

For a moment, my spinning head is so disoriented that I believe I’m in a strange dream.

But would I feel his heavy weight on top of me if it were? Would my stomach cramp at the sensation of his abs flexing and growing taut with every nip at my lips?

My mouth opens of its own accord—I blame the shocking turn of events—and he plunges his tongue between my teeth. It’s a mess of biting, twisting, and sucking my soul through my lips.

He's kissing me.

After years of rejecting and humiliating me through a kiss, Eli King is the one who’s kissing me right now.

And it’s not a mere kiss. It’s a possessive claim that’s brimming with simmering darkness.

It strikes me with a stunning realization that Eli has the ability to perform every action with eclectic intimidation. And while he’s controlled in everything, down to how many breaths he releases per minute, there’s a raw quality about his kiss. Thebrush of his lips and the tug of his teeth are beautifully unrefined and abundantly unhinged.

He nibbles on my bottom lip and sinks his teeth into the soft cushion. I tense, expecting the bite, the blood, the humiliation, but he sucks on the assaulted skin and conquers my tongue again.

Like a savage.

The sloppy sound of our clashing echoes in the air like a chilling aphrodisiac.

I try to think why I should stop this, and while I fail miserably, my shaky hands lift to his chest in a half-arsed attempt to put an end to this or at least slow him down.

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