Page 37 of Daddy for Davina

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His face pales, a desperate show of fear that I find satisfying. "Micah, I don't—"

"I don't care what you have to say," I interrupt him again, any patience I had for his bullshit gone the moment he cornered Davina today.

"You know what happens if you fuck with what belongs to me?" I ask, though it's not really a question. My gaze pins him down like a bug under glass as I tighten my hand around his throat, not choking him, but pinning him in place.

His Adam's apple bobs as he swallows hard, but he doesn't answer.

"I fuck back, Stanley."

Suddenly brave, or perhaps just fucking stupid, he tries to argue. "Davina doesn't—"

I cut him off abruptly, slamming him back against the wall. His head bounces off it with a thud. "She's mine," I snap, the possessive growl of a predator. "If you ever come near her again, I'll rip your fucking throat out."

"W-What are you talking about, Micah?"

"Don't play dumb with me," I seethe. "You know exactly what the fuck I'm talking about. There are security cameras in the garage, Stanley. They caught everything."

Terror flashes across his features as realization dawns. He fumbles for words, but they come out stuttering and weak. "And you think…"

"I don't think anything. I saw everything, heard every goddamn word."

His face pales further. He looks like he might pass out. Good.

"You threatened my fiancée," I growl. "You called her a whore. You put your filthy fucking hands on her. You're lucky you're still breathing. If you ever even look in her direction or speak her name again, it'll be the last thing you do." I lean in close, putting my face right up against his. "Hell itself won't even be able to hide you from my wrath when I get my hands on you next time, you miserable piece of shit. Get the fuck out of my office and don't ever come back."

I shove him away from me, nearly sending him sprawling across the floor.

He hauls himself to his feet, stumbling toward the elevators.

"Oh, and one more thing," I call, turning to look at him. "I spoke to your boss. Davina still has a job. Your services, however, are no longer needed at his law firm." I smirk. "By the time he's finished with you, you won't be practicing law anywhere in this state."

His eyes widen as realization of just how deeply he's fucked up sets in.

I watch him go—shaken, defeated, terrified. But it's a hollow victory; the taste of it is bitter on my tongue. He never should have been allowed to get as far as he did today.

I failed my baby girl.

Visions of her tear-stained face fill my mind. They make my blood boil, igniting a fierce determination to protect what's mine at any cost. No one will hurt her again, not on my watch.

She's mine—my baby girl. I'll do whatever it takes to keep her that way. The fact that she was ready to sacrifice that part of herself today fucking kills me. She's already sacrificed far too much.

I won't ever allow her to give up a damn thing that she needs to be with me. Not a single fucking one.

By the time I get back to her office, the workday is nearly over. I find her at Corey's desk, gossiping.

She has her head thrown back, laughing at something. She seems happy, content, as if this morning never happened at all. But it's a show. There are cracks in her armor if you know where to look.

I know. I see them. She's worried, anxious. Afraid.

I stride across the office to her, running my hand down her arm. "Hey, baby girl."

She tilts her head back, looking up at me. "Hey. There you are." Her expression softens, her gaze flitting across my face. "I was worried."

"What'd I tell you, little girl?" I ask quietly. "I worry, not you."

"I like him," Corey says, making me smile.

Despite the turmoil of the day, his simple declaration sends a ripple of amusement through me. The man has no filter, but it's hard to argue with his blunt honesty.

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